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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why am I so drawn to Philosophy? What are you thinking about this morning alread

Question: Why am I so drawn to Philosophy!? What are you thinking about this morning already!? Breakfast!?
I love this category way too muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are probably a curious and intelligent person, drawn to "pay attention to the man behind the curtain!." When you first play with questions, it's amusing!. When you start to seriously study academic philosophy, it's hard and frustrating, and you may take on the symptoms of every tradition you study (today I am an existentialist, tomorrow a logical positivist)!. Then you experience real excitement in learning how to deal with concepts, arguments, learning how to synthesize new ideas, rather than just be critical of old ones!. Then you are disappointed at finding how murky most folks' minds are and despair at ever enlightening the entire world!. And then you really get depressed when you find out many people feel they already have the answers and would rather espouse their thoughts to you, rather than listen to you!. Then you get past that, use your tools to ever reinvent your passions, interests, skills; you cease to yearn for certainty, and get busy leading your already examined life!. You no longer feel the need to "do" philosophy but will exemplify all you have learned by the way you conduct your thinking and actions!. You are free of the need of academic philosophy and back to where you were, amused by playing with ideas and enjoying the play, content to just be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!

Philosophy directs us first to seek the goods of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied, or not much wanted!. Allow me to share with you a quote from Maxim Gorey!.!.!. " You cannot do without philosophy; for evrything has its hidden meaning, which we must know"!.

One of the things philosophers like best about their job is that they have not just a right but a duty to stick to their noses into the world's intellectual affairs, from science to politics via art and everything else!. If they bring to bear the ideals of their vocation - clarity, principle, insight and illumination - they do a service to mankind!. And sometimes, as the progress of human knowledge shows, they even find answers to some of the questions they ask!.

Philosophy is the best place you are into!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because you want to think about things that matter!. Once you delve into real academic philosophy, you find that it prepares you to deal with everything else!. Logic, reasoning, contemplation are all important skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're drawn to philosophy because you are a seeker of knowledge and truth!. This is important and commendable; if we are all this curious maybe the world would be a better place!.

I'm thinking too much this morning!.!.!. I haven't been to church in years and I'm thinking that I might just have to go today!. I'm not big on the message, but maybe being around peaceful and spiritual people will lift my spirits a bit!. Thank you for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's 11!.08 pm here, so I'm not thinking about breakfast!. Just trying to get my head around the exhibition opening I went to this evening!. It would need more of a philosopher than I to decipher some of those artists intentions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thinking is way cool!.
i love it too!.

Because your nature is explorately and resaerch oriented, its nice!. Thats the way of good life!. Socrates said" unexamined life is not worth living"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am thinking about the newly greening forest glade that is my home, and How it offers a cocoon for meditative generation!.
My philosophical nursery!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

'cos sometimes we have to delve into the past to predict the future & philosophy is the key to attaining it !

have a nice day !Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol i think i know what you mean, it keeps your mind fresh, i think about if i should leave my bf or not, this morning is what i was thinking, it been a very hard 3 years, and just seems to keep getting harder and harder, and i dont know if i can keep it up, and i did not eat because i was so upset about it!.
