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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why cant I believe in myself?

Question: Why cant I believe in myself!?
I cant feel I have no emotions, Im in a world where I feel alone, I dont have any friends and the one I truly loved didnt love me!. Whats a life worth living if you cant even live life!. Theres this hole inside me so big and empty, as I sit in this dark room I call out to someone anyone why live if you cant even feel anymore!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We are all susceptible to sadness and lonliness!. You must remember that you are not alone!. What is important is filling that emptiness with light!. Volunteer to help someone, get out of that room!. When we dwell in the dark we stay in the dark!. So get out of the room, take a walk!. You are here for a reason!.!.!.!.!.it is not an accident!. So try to explore new things and new situations!. You can feel, it is just what you are feeling now is depressed!. That depression darkens all other emotions!. You should call a local counseling center and make an appointment to simply talk to someone who is objective and can give you some support!. Good Luck and let us know how you are!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are in a slump!.!.!.!.you will get back on track, this is temporary!. Try reachin out to others, maybe even go to church!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey, i have good news!
you say you can't feel, but you just said you FEEL alone!
you CAN feel!. i'm not joking, that's great!
that means, there's something important left in you, HOPE!
the fact that you ARE still living shows so much about you!
i was once told that in life, showing up is half the battle!.
i couldn't agree with that more!. so youve made it this far!
don't turn back! if you FEEL your alone, i promise you
things will get better!. that means you have the ability to feel!
and when you feel bad, shortly after there is always some good!. just remember,
after every storm, comes a rainbow!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well dont feel that way!. i know u might laugh when i say this but u r special everyone is special!. life is worth living no matter what the problem is someone can always be there to help and talk in thur and if u cant find anyway like parents or anyone at all there is phone lines avalible for people who just want to talk or if they feel like taking there own lives!. i dont know where u r but in australia there is lifeline and kids help line too!. the people that do that r tained profecionals willing to help u!. but just remember nothing is worth taking your life over!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. hope everything works out 4 uWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. For me its because there's always that little spark of hope!.also it's because I am too scared to commit suicide, so between that , that is why I live!.Other than that nothing is worth it if you don't have anyone to share it with huh!? I think you know what I mean cause I fell the same!.I also have absolutely nobody!. No friends ,and nobody I trust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally understand where you're coming from!. It seems hopeless, and you should just give up!. That's how I feel more often than I'd like to!. You just have to get your priorities straight!. Everybody has something they want in life, maybe not when you're at a low point, but when you come back, don't be too quick to discredit your depressed feelings!. Something is making you feel that way and you need to identify what it is and change it!. I never did, and now I'm 27 and still falling to these low points!. Everybody's different though!. Just hold on, man!. The mood will pass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem rests on your shoulders, since it's your life and you control your life!. The only way to change the situation is change it, the attitude about yourself isnt going to change unless you change what you don't like about yourself, or get used to them!. The hole is there to motivate you, do not dwell on this emptiness!. This emptiness is in everyone, unless they are pleased with what they are doing, which usually comes from constant pressure on yourself to exceed previous heights in emotion and completion of goals(big or insignificant)!. obviously you need to challenge yourself a little more to get the things you want in your life, for the flip get the bad things you do not like or stagnating situations out of your life, and replace them with things that will, inspire produce and carry you onto the next day with the strength and confidence that everyone can have!.!.!.!.!.i hope this helps a little, have a good day and good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is because you put negative thoughts in your mind!. I know you could see the brightness in this darkest moments in your life!. Seek for peer guidance!. You will learn new horizons from them!. Keep going and don't be lead astray!. You get so many friends out here and you may count in me!. You may e-mail me if you want to!.

Good luck and be positive!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is within your power to change your mind about how you feel and who you are!. All you need do is negate the negative with the positive!. It might feel silly to begin with but it works wonders with persistence!. Sometimes the simplest action can move what seem like mountains!. Peace and blessings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

show your love to mankind i n general!.

I think you're speaking about relationships, are you not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

cliff, how long has this been going on!? you might want to consider counseling and/or medication to get you over this hump!. you will make it, but if it has been going on too long, you should seek professional help!. you can start with the phone book, or online search crisis hotline and talk with a trained counselor!. hold on, it will get better for you!. i am sure!.
i also want to let you know you are not alone!. there are many people feeling like you!. maybe you should reach out a little!. volunteer work if you have time but no job!. it is a way to feel better!. start small, inch your way out there!. i wish you the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's temporary cliff!.

Yes I know it seems to take an eternity but this too passes!.

It will last as long as you cherish these feelings and then they will be gone!.

You are mourning the death of your expectations!. It takes time!. When you tire of it you will move on and start doing other things and then everything will brighten up!.

love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Remove the feeling that you are alone!.Life means you need everyone and everyone needs you some or the orther day!.Everyone feels that there should be someone to share their feelings so everyone wants to be with some or the other,so a day comes to you and you will think that you are not alone!.Live the life,as we don't know when we die!.!.!.so be happy and make the people happy with whom you met daily!.!.you need not search anyone to make you happy!.!.,its in your self!.!.!.think properly and mediate!.!.it helps alot!.!.!.!.cheer up manWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you didn't feel, you wouldn't be complaining about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com