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Question: Revenge!?!?!?
all of us have been wronged by someone in our past!. whether it be a close friend, a family member, someone we thought we could trust!.!.!.we have been betrayed by someone close to us and it has led to a lot of pain!. do you think vengeance truly is the only way to even out the balance between you and the enemy!? or do you think that it takes a bigger man to just let it go and let the universe unfold the way it should!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ask yourself if it is harder to strike back or turn the other check!? Which truly takes more strength!?Here is my advice on vengeance, do something good for this person!.Bigger than the wrong they commited to you!. also do for other people always!.Be unselfish and I am absolutely sure lvoe will come to you!. It takes an act of love toopen your heart to it!. Even if oyu don't feel that love at first if you practice love, love will become easier for you and overpower hate!. Don't practice hate my friend , practice the art of peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Revenge is great but only if it has the intention of being risk free (as in you won't get caught)! Anyway there wouldn't be such a thing as revenge if everybody treated each other with loyalty and respect, it's human nature to violate others, and with every violation comes revenge!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know they did you wrong, and chances are they know they did you wrong (IF you are in fact, fully aware)!. In general if they meant to do you harm that's easy to stand tall!. But, when the other things get in the way, like, perhaps they made a mistake or failed their own integrity or where mistaken misjudged and or to cowardly to face it, that's when you have a delma!. That's when you should ask yourself should I help him regain his integrity or shall I walk away and let him regain it on his own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a saying that goes, ' Revenge is a dish best served cold', but revenge is never an answer to any violation you have been put through!. It only makes you lower then the person who made you feel this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

revenge is a vicious circle keep going for ever, as you put it, it takes a bigger man to just let it go and let the universe unfold the way it should!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is better to be injured that to be the one commiting the injury; it is better to be good than to be one who commits evil!. Moreover, it takes greater courage and conviction to forgive than to seek revenge!. Revenge is only sought because one seeks 'fairness' to what has been caused to him/her, that is, justice!. Justice is giving what is morally due to others!. If you accidentally stepped on the foot of another person, you don't do her justice by telling him/her to step on your foot as well, now do you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Understanding why others react in the form and manner in which they do is a large part of forgiveness!. Avenging a perceived slight or wrongdoing should be given rational consideration and forethought as to possible adverse consequences !.!.!.

Knowing anothers predicament, circumstance and understanding why they acted in a manner that affronted you is a strong comforting reconciliation with the state of play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Revenge will not serve any purpose but only to fulfil someones selfishness appetite !. There isn't balance between you and the person who has betrayed you and if you should seek revenge you have stoop below your own dignity to make yourself feel better !. Let the higher power take care of you and grant you blessing 10 times more if don't seek revenge !. Have a great day !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Revenge was the way 2000 years ago: an eye for an eye!. At that time there came a Wayshower, known as the Christ, to show us a higher way!. It is never to late to grok his lesson!.!.!.!.!.And karma, in its own time, will balance things out!. Why not let this Impersonal Law worrk on its own time schedule, with compassion for both victim and victimizer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has worked out well for the Israelis and the Palestinians hasn't it!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your hiking in the mountains and a rock falls !. It strikes you and you are injured !. Now how do you revenge it !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that revenge is only sweet when it is done to the enemy within a short amount of time, otherwise, the feelings of obsession well up inside you and it starts to take over your whole life, not letting you think straight about the good things in your life any more!. Mind you, sometimes, it is best to let sleeping dogs lie!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes these things happen in life
If a countermeasure isn't taken then we can be held responsible for encouraging that Person to become habitual in what they are doing
I would suggest as long as the countermeasure is in that other Persons interest as well as our own then it can be justified
Revenge isn't helpful in the slightest Revenge can set up a whole string of events that can and do escalate life time after lifetime
As an example What can be an insensitive remark said in this life time can result in a murder in some future life time
It can be difficult at the time I know but many times who we may believe is our worst enemy often turn out to be great Teachers in our life

May this helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

it really depends on what they have done!.But revenge can be so sweet!.? ? ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont revenge it just makes da matter worstWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on how serious the offense is and how you go about getting even!. Letting someone off for something serious is a way of saying you think they deserve to get away with something you would personally hold yourself accountable for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com