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Position:Home>Philosophy> Anybody have there own views on life and the reasoning?

Question: Anybody have there own views on life and the reasoning!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everyone has "their own!." The problem with most of them in these days after Kant is that all of them have been thought of already, sometimes in ancient past, and either rejected, or refined, but the people who hold "their own" views do not know the history of that view and so they think it is "unique" to them!.

Get some background on all the subjects, and then when you hear a personal "view," you can recognize it as maybe coming from Socrates, or Menos, or Aquinas, or Hegel, etc!.

The most respected anthology of the common ideas is this one
but the old version of it is 2 books, volumes II and III of the Great Books of the Western World, found only in your library!. Those 2 volumes together are called the "Syntopicon!." Here are the topics!. You can pick whatever topic you want, and see easily and quickly what all the great thinkers have already said about it!.

Angel; Animal; Aristocracy; Art; Astronomy; Beauty; Being; Cause; Chance; Change; Citizen; Constitution; Courage; Custom and Convention; Definition; Democracy; Desire; Dialectic; Duty; Education; Element; Emotion; Eternity; Evolution; Experience; Family; Fate; Form; God; Good and Evil; Government; Habit; Happiness; History; Honor; Hypothesis; Idea; Immortality; Induction; Infinity; Judgment; Justice; Knowledge; Labor; Language; Law; Liberty; Life and Death; Logic; Love; Man; Mathematics; Matter; Mechanics; Medicine; Memory and Imagination; Metaphysics; Mind; Monarchy; Nature; Necessity and Contingency; Oligarchy; One and Many; Opinion; Opposition; Philosophy; Physics; Pleasure and Pain; Poetry; Principle; Progress; Prophecy; Prudence; Punishment; Quality; Quantity; Reasoning; Relation; Religion; Revolution; Rhetoric; Same and Other; Science; Sense; Sign and Symbol; Sin; Slavery; Soul; Space; State; Temperance; Theology; Time; Truth; Tyranny; Universal and Particular; Virtue and Vice; War and Peace; Wealth; Will; Wisdom; WorldWww@QuestionHome@Com

life is what you make of it!. Don't just wait for things to come to you, work hard for what you want and when you finally achieve it you will feel that much more better about yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

things are never as bad as they seem!. you have to work for what you want!. dont let people put you down!. no matter how perfect someone looks, they have problems in there life!. tomorrow is not guarenteed, so live today to its fullest!. these sayings have helped me deal with my problems, and help others deal with theres too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com