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Question: "My Greatest Gift To GOD Not Losing My VIRGINITY"!?
Seriously, who believes things like this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't believe that myself, but i can see an argument for it!. Having sex can create an emotional bond between people and also can lead to having children!. This usually leads to a situation where one's moral judgement will be impaired by passionate attachment to one's lover or family or where one is forced to make pragmatic decisions which would not otherwise be considered optimal!. Emotional attachments to others can also lead to pressure in such situations as hostage-taking and conflicts after separation which lead to moral compromise!. Most adults actually do end up having to make such compromises because of family commitments, and consequently it is harder for them to make the kinds of choices which will promote the long term well-being of the human race!. Therefore it is more virtuous to remain a virgin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it made the person feel better!.!.!.!. all power to them!.!.!. but for me!? a big fat hmmmmmmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My greatest gift to me was not be a virgin and i'll do it againWww@QuestionHome@Com

Only if you're married its okay!. And Yes, I BELIVE THIS STUFF!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ugly people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Be fruitful and multiply" don't be a deviant!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nah your greatest gift to God is to be what you are made for!.!.!.!.and to enjoy Him forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im saving my virginity for myself and the one i marry!. thats what i believeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that if you believe it is your greatest Gift to God, then, it is!.
We all have our own specific ideals and morals and my opinion is that whatever I do in life, I try not to ever hurt anyone!. I do my best to be a good person, and try to help those in need!. That is my personal gift to God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You greatest gift to GOD is your relationship with him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~~ Maybe a sociopath with a conscience!. ~~Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't even make sense, because sex is a pleasure, and surely 'God' would want you to be happy, and enjoy life, and surely 'God' would want you to have children who can then learn about 'God'!? Pfft!. I'm a happy non-virgin atheist :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Firstly, even if nobody believed this it wouldn't logically follow that it was wrong--take a critical thinking class,guy!. This is what's known as "Ad populum" fallacy (look it up if you'd like)!. Secondly, there are obviously wrong ways to practice sex, like rape, molestation, prostitution, etc!. In response to the "happy atheist" above, I suppose then "God", wanting us to experience pleasure condones these things too then!? These are pleasurable to the rapist and molester are they not!? Besides, waiting until your married to have sex doesn't mean shunning the pleasure thereof completely only temporarily!. For instance, the old adage "A time and place for everything" would make since if you and your boyfriend wanted to have sex but were entertaining company!. You wouldn't take off your close and have sex immediately would you!? Would you not wait until the company left and then enjoy sex!? So, too, are some virgins waiting for a better time to experience the joys of sex!. Is this not also designating the practice of sex for a better time, too (as with those who wait to have sex AFTER there company leaves)!? Thirdly, what's wrong with abstinence!? I've heard no reasons to believe remaining chaste until one is married is an immoral thing to do!. Neither have you told us why it is illogical!. Nice rhetorical ploys, but offer us, your audience, some reasons next time there guy!. The whole supposition based on an un-proved premise, just like our "happy atheists" premise rest on that same unargued premise: "What's pleasureable ought to be entertained immediately"!. Why!?

Do yourselves a favor and read a book: "The Art of Reasoning" By David Kelley!.Www@QuestionHome@Com