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Position:Home>Philosophy> People are solely driven or influenced at the sex drive. in philosophy?

Question: People are solely driven or influenced at the sex drive!. in philosophy!?
how can i debate this point say that it is not true !.
Freud was the one who was on this sex drive theory

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Generally, to refute an argument, use the "reductio ad absurdum" method: that is, start by assuming the other person's argument IS true, then point out examples that disprove their point or show how ridiculous it is!.

For instance: children under the age of sexual maturity by definition don't have a sex drive!. OK, how are THEY driven by it then!? If they are not, that tends to disprove the point!. Again, elderly people who have reached an age where they do not have significant libido!. You can argue that though at whatever age the sex drive goes, it may be gone, but that they are still driven by social cues that are centered around sexual behavior: for instance, gentlemanly acts such as opening a door for a woman, etc!. But that does little to support the assertion that such individuals are "driven or influenced by the sex drive!."

Anyway, construct your argument along those lines, and similar!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freud was a pyschologist not a philosopher (sometimes the two overlap but not very much)!.

Freud's school of pyschology says that most or all of man's motives and desires are based on sex drive!. I don't agree!. Certainly sex is a big factor in our lives but there are many other strong motivations and some people can actually control their sex drive (ie - he has some good points but they are overstated)

Now Schopenhauer would say: "a man can do as he will but not will as he will" (he comes pretty close to Freud, as close as any philosopher that I can think of)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, our drives are coming from survival and personal survival is getting at first clothes, food and shelter, or perhaps marrying someone with those things!. Sex is a survival drive on an unconscious and conscious level where sex creates almost impersonal bodily demands that compels you to have pleasure by having sex!. Survival figures into sex by procreating the human species on both a personal basis, when a woman has a child, and on a collective, unconscious basis, where humanity is kept going in it's survival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You really can't debate thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

One of the least used attributes of the human being is called self control!. When we let some thing or some one control us then we lose our self control: tobacco, alcohol, unlawful drugs, sex!. Without self control we aren't a free human being, but a slave not much better than our cat!. When we are slaves, we usually are unhappyWww@QuestionHome@Com