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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone know differences in Hindu model vs the Western religious models of m

Question: Does anyone know differences in Hindu model vs the Western religious models of mankind in philosophy!?
Does anyone know the differences in how each views humanity's role, function in creation and the "right" relation to human desire is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hindus see humans as higher beings in relation to other animals but as related to them via reincarnation!. Western religious models in the sense of the Abrahamic religions have come to see humans as the unique possessors of souls and see the creation as solely for human benefit!. There is also an important difference in attitudes to matter and mind!. Hindus see matter as illusory and to be superceded whereas Christians see humans as essentially embodied and matter as good because it was created by God for humans!. Desire for Buddhists and Jains at least, and probably Hindus as well, is the source of suffering, which can be overcome by following an ethical code which tends to emphasise detachment from that which draws one back into the physical world, i!.e!. materialism in a metaphysical and ethical sense!. Desire in the Abrahamic religions is something which can be a good thing but it tends to be corrupted by human imperfection!.

For intermediate views, pre-Christian Hellenistic philosophy is very interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Western religions look at God as a father and give up freewill to the devil!. Eastern religions see no separation from god and give up free will to karma!. Atheists maintain free will and are an accident of nature!. Ambition (desire) is a Christian virtue and a Buddhist cause of suffering!. There are so many schools that a general comparison is meaningless!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know the hindu, but i know the western ( cause i criticize it)this will be of some help
the modern western model looks like this
-subject to object language
-reference of being
-that humans are here to achieve
-time and place focus
ok to the break down
subject to object - "my foot", your foot cant be a foot as if it is not apart of the 'me' that you are already describing!.
reference to being - that you are a thing in a place at a time in specific and that illusionally validates your consciousness!.
that humans are here to achieve - that because we are the only apparent thing in the known universe that has to be, rather than just being!. that there is an underlining goal/point in life to constitute it as a 'good life'!. when life's standards are only set by the liver!.
time and place - that you are you, and you in your current conscious experience are the only thing you know!. that you know, when knowing can only be interpretation!.
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