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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the driving force behind mans desire to know the truth?

Question: What is the driving force behind mans desire to know the truth!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically "man" born with ignorance and when he detected he was more than a mere "animal", he started to explore "Who is he, and for what purpose he is being on this planet!?"!. That was the first spark of his desire to know the truth!. The precise form of his activity was determined, of couse, by the equipment with which he came into the world!.!.!.!.Brain!. Sheer determination to dig out the mystery of the cosmos was, perhaps, the drivice force, well combined, later, with his faith in principles of religion!. May be that faith too tuned with his belief in "something more than flesh" drove him to wander in the jungle of knowledge to find the truth!. The inborn quality of intense and insatibale interests in ideas and imagination to play with them, turned into his ability and desire!. To me those were his driving forces behind his desire to know the truth!.

(This may not the sufficient amount of answer to this question, but take it as representation in some kind!.!.!.!.because topic surely needs a wide platform to disucss!.!.!.!.!.Nice question!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

to know its origin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that we were born into uncertainty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowing the truth helps to choose a path!. But truth is relative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

man is sure that he has the capability to know the truth, and uncertainty is a scary thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


my answer is more simple then the rest!.!. we're douchebaggsWww@QuestionHome@Com

God ---the truth will set you freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

truth is freedom!. cause if u follow the truth you can do no wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Survival and Successful Replication!.

We are animals, designed by Natural Selection!. Body and mind!. Desire is an emotive response!. Emotions are evolutionarily hard-wired cognitive shortcuts!.

We desire to know truth, because true states of affairs are what act upon our physical bodies in our environment!. It is obviously a selective advantage to Know the Truth about whether or not that noise was indicative of a predator, or to Know the Truth of if our partner loves us, or to Know the Truth about whether or not these berries are poisonous!.

Being able to internalize True states of Affairs in the world (which would then be knowledge) is very helpful for survival and thrival of a species!.

This is where it comes from, and with our growing complexity of language and culture, this simple obvious drive comes to be used in more complex applications!. But the desire itself, it comes from Nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The desire to control that which he fears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowing our truth is not enough!.
We wish to experience our Truth in Live Action!.
The Force is "Divinely willed" within each of us!.

(The Will to Live Life to it's Fullest!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Drives us Onwards and Upwards)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Curiosity with a desire to learn more about the world around him!. And to see if what he has learned is something that he can trust and rely on it and pass this on to those who seek for the truth!.

also a man wants to to discover something he can believe in in this reality!. For man's desire to believe in something is unquestioned!. The only question is in what to believe that rings with the truth he seeks for!. That's what eye think!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cuz I said soWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance!.!.!.paradox but it is what it is!. Hope directed outside leading people away from Truth!. Hope is a complex of forses you mentioned in your question, designed not to be minded, Remember pandora box!? Hope coexisted in a locked space together with illnesses!.!.!.But we minded Hope and it becomes dual!.!.!.!.Mind is a great divider in a hands of ignorance!.Mind belong to human and his hands, and hope entrapped within a mind leading a seeker outside of him, but the Truth as we know located within!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We like to keep our feet on the ground!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!. My guess is that if I can discover `the secret` to achieving happiness from knowing `the truth`, then the whole world will belong to me!.

That is and was a pretty good guess, I`d say! Cheers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human beings are 'intellectuals' or so we think of ourselves!. Ever since we are born, we form certain impressions through our upbringing, exposure to beliefs of our parents and society in general and through our own experiences!. They gradually turn into our belief system!. But as our beliefs keep forming every day, they also get shattered every day by what we witness!.

Suppose, we form a belief that one can find ultimate peace in one's mom's lap and that until a mother is alive, she will find tooth and nail to keep her children happy and safe!. And then, we see or read a news that a mom has killed her own child, so that she can win over someone she loves or because she was depressed over something!.!.!.and our belief in infallible love of a mother gets shattered!.

As we grow up, this continuous shattering of beliefs starts bothering us and we think, well, are we missing on something!. Is there anything that I fail to understand, which makes me derive wrong conclusions all the time and here begins our quest of 'Truth'!. I hope it sums up your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com