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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can a woman complement the completeness of man?

Question: How can a woman complement the completeness of man!?
when it had been said that men are from Mars and women came from Venus!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She brings a brain!. Or rather calculation and practicality!. If man were complete, he could do his own laundry!. hehehe!.

No, really!. Men are terribly emotional creatures!. That is what red is!. Raw emotion!. Mars is red!. Anger, frustration, hosing down the deck with testosterone (as they said in Lost in Space)!. Those silly contests to prove their manhood!. Seems to me like divesting themselves of their britches would accomplish the same thing, only might not be as dangerous, depending upon where you live, climactic conditions and indigenous creatures!.

We are often the anti-thesis of the male!. Seeing the logic where they don't!. Being practical where they aren't!. Do we marry for a pretty face and a nice body!? Nope!. We want to know if you've got a means to support us!. Practical and logical!. When we are old, we aren't silly enough to dump our live-long mate just because we are willing to believe that some young thang desires us!. We know it's about money and security!. They don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are all complete, we need no one to make us any better!. When we think we do we just get bitter that we aren't doing it ourselves!. It's that our joint missions in life need different facets, not ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Women and men are like clothing for each other!.they keep the other in peace and warmth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Somehow, people create the illusion that the opposite sex will make their lives whole, as is said in cheesy, overly sentimental wedding vows!. There are a lot of men feeling completely whole without a women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

woman is perfect in the way she can reproduce herself like cloning in her own womb!.she has everything needed for reproduction except for the semen!.man has only semen,but woman has egg,so the two dont count!.except for egg and semen woman has everuthing man has nothing!.in animal society in many species female brings up offspring alone!.male does nothin except gives semen that female gives too by the name egg!.woman is perfect so that she can take care of herself and embrio in her uterus and later ow baby!.she has the biological responsibility thus she is perfect to perform this!.man isnt!.he is more important only in human society where theres money and material possesions!.men do that!.women want those for themselves and kids,thats what makes men imporant,but only in human socety!.and on top,men are stronger and by the law of the jungle they (can) beat women!.or rape!.this is the strength and importance of men:material things ie money and their muscles!.otherwise in animal societies males serve nothing but give semen!.females produce new members of society,males just f!.!.k!.and men know this and so envy women for their ability to produce life!.thiss why they are aarogant and violent!.finally,regarding brains,bothe brains are equal,otherwise babies could when inherit mom be stupid!.whoever thinks men are more intelligent is stupid!.and women who think women are more intelligent are stupid too!.we are the same,but women are preoccupied with more important questions than money and work which is baby bringing!.thers no time or free brains for thinking about things once they have to think about kids!.this is the sad story about human soceiety!.but not all men are like this!.yet but,many are!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To speak in generalities of all Men and all Women is to do a disservice to the individuality of each individual!.

In my experience no two women are the same, except in believing that all men are the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you serious!?
like dead serious!.
are you!?
what the ****!?Www@QuestionHome@Com