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Question: Is 25 too old to follow goals!?
I feel a little weird asking this!. I want to make something out of my life but for so long I've had laziness issues and procrastination issues!. I feel that life is precious and I'm just wasting it away!.

I finally got myself out of debt this week and I feel ready to move on!. I don't have kids so that helps!. I just am tired of wasting away my life!. I feel a little too old at 25!. If I start things right now, its gonna take awhile before I get to where I want to get!.

But each day that I don't do anything productive, I feel like my soul is dying a little each day!. I just hope 25 isn't too old to start on my goals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm almost 40 and my life honestly just started getting good at 25!

I think, from conversations and observations, that being 25 is a crossroads of sorts!. Many people do start to get quite serious about their life's purpose and their goals around then!. You are definitely not alone in thinking this way at this age, even if you've expressed your feelings as a doubt!.

Youth contains potential, and now you've noticed your youth is fading, but that does not mean your potential is gone!. Leaving youth behind does not mean leaving potential behind!. To the contrary! Now is an excellent time to gain focus!.

Maybe you need to change jobs, or travel, or do something else to get yourself out of your rut so that you can find out more about who you are and where you're going!.

Try to turn that doubtful feeling into a positive: you are now mature enough and decisive enough to go after your goals, because being 25 is certainly a good time to start!. You probably weren't ready when you were younger!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

stop whining people still follow their goals at 80 nowadaysWww@QuestionHome@Com

No you are never to old to follow your goal unless you 90+ coz that means you should be retired :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never too late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never too late, or better now than never!. I've known 50 y/o's who have went back to school to finish their career goals!. Just do it now, so you won't regret it later!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its never too old to follow goals!. Remember that tomorrow may never come, live everyday like its your last day!. Enjoy life, have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course 25 isn't too old!. I'm sure many people are asking the same questions at 40!

If you put your mind to something of course you can acheive it!. Make a 'to do list' and start ticking the boxes!. That could sort your 'soul' out ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is really never too late to follow your goals!. you can accomplish your goal at 40 yrs old but alll that matters is that you can be proud of yourself that you followed your goal and put effort into it!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol I used to feel the same way!

When I was 16 my friend was really good at guitar and offered to teach me!. But since he started playing at 10, I figured I was too old to get as good as him!.

Well now I'm 23, and if I would have started then, I would have been just as good now as he was then :)

So seriously, no matter how old you are, start right now!. If you don't you'll just feel even worse in 5 more years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

25 is DEFF!. Not too old!. Your still younge! Your just not feeling motivated!. What you need to do is find something that makes you excited, and makes you want to do something!. Plus, you need to start feeling better about yourself!. Go out, have a day to yourself!. Go to a spa, get all pretty, maybe go shopping!. Sit down and think about what you want out of life!. You need to push yourself to get the things in life you want, no one can do that but you!. It will be hard, but thats what i going to help you get what you want out of life!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off what goals do you want!?
List those and thereafter approximate how much time it will take to reach those goals!. Be Honest!.
After this, it is up to you you want to continue to procrastinate or just do it now!. Because if you don't start now that is just another second that is passing a by and another piece of your soul that you are losing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are out of debt, congrats

Find something that makes you happy, and find a way to get paid doing it!. Help others that are less fortunate than yourself, rescue some animals and be an all around good guy/gal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

25 is not to old!.Write do your goals and set to work achieving them!.Think positive and go for it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're never too old!. When you stop learning, there's no point to living!. I once read an article about a woman in her 70's who had just gotten a PhD!. She said that it was a goal she had always wanted to achieve!. Twenty five is far from old, no matter how you look at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hit The Bible House (right next to Target on Laguna Blvd in Elk Grove) go to the self-help section!. There are numerous cds and books you can read about setting goals and accomplishing them!. Joyce Myers has a lot of things for women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You know what!? People who retire from their jobs at age 65!.!.!.if they have no goals in life after that, they will just fade away and die!.

We all need to have goals!.!.!.no matter what our age!. Goals give us hope, yearning and a zest to live for something attainable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This sounds chiche, but it's never too late!. I think it's great that you're not in debt anymore!. It's a good place to start!. Depending on your goals, I would get going as soon as you can!. Just sitting around will leave you depressed and will make it harder to accomplish your goals!. Try maybe getting a part-time job or signing up for a few college classes!. I wouldn't dive into anything right away, but get your feet wet!. Then when you feel confident enough, give your goals a shot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At 25 you are exactly the right age to set and follow goals!. Most people under 25 don't have the maturity, the experience or the drive to follow goals - you've got a head start because you have already accomplished one major goal - getting yourself out of debt!. Sure, you might pick a goal that will take a little time and effort to reach, but now you know you can do it, so go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what the goals are!.!.!.If it is to be the one to go the longest without blinking, then yeah!.!.!.you are too old for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your never to old to follow goals!. Sitting there wont get you anywhere and persistance is key!.

:D good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Theres some 70 and 80 year olds in some of my classes!. If they can do it you can do it!. Quit being a pansy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're never too old to start making goals!
Just think--wouldn't it be ridiculous if no one else in the world ever changed after they were 25!? If it was that way, we would probably all be living in caves, living the simplest way possible!. It's definitely not too late to pursue any dreams you have--I know numerous people who have achieved amazing things looooong after they were 25!. So, you definitely shouldn't give up hope! Start tommorrow, or today even, and be proactive, because you have so much time ahead!. Don't give up hope, either--sitting around and moping about life never got anyone anywhere!. Go for it--you still have so many wonderful things ahead of you!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

25 five is not to old!. Everyone here agrees!. All you have to do is chase your dream!. Even if it does take a long time, in the future you can say to yourself you accomplished you dream!. And if it doesn't happen you can say you tried!Www@QuestionHome@Com

25 isnt old at alll!.
start on your goals right now, good luck:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, be the very best that you can be and seize the day

I'm 25 myself and i do have new goals i want to pursue , but yeah i do feel the same way! ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com