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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it "love for a stranger" or just empathy?

Question: Is it "love for a stranger" or just empathy!?
Is it possible to have love for complete stranger or is it just empathy!? When you have "love for your fellow man" isn't that just empathy and not really love!? Don't you have to know someone to love them!?

Is it true that you cannot have love and empathy for a stranger; you can only have empathy for a stranger!. Why or why not!?

Yet, you can have love and empathy for someone that you know!. Even if you don't have empathy for a known person you still will have love for them!. So any thing that you do for them will be out of love, but not empathy (ex: helping a son who is in trouble because you love him and not because you empathize with him)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmm that's a very good question, I'd say it's empathy, but that's not necessarily a bad thing!. Empathy can be a very good thing or a very bad thing, but if you feel strongly about helping somebody in need, regardless of your familiarity with them then you should do it and should feel very proud of what you are doing, all in all it's empathy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it is quite possible to love everyone all of the time!.

In fact anything else is just judgment, it isn't love at all!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

This appears to be a definitional question!. "What does 'love' mean!?"

It's all going to come down to, "How do you happen to be using the word!." If you look in the dictionary, you'll find that "love" has many definitions!.

Empathy can be a type of love!. So can "agape," love of one's fellow man!. And if that is the way you are using the word, then no, you don't need to know the person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yikes! Yes I think empathy can love but only in the human kind manner and not romantic!. A little more love all around would be welcome today, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well now, I can't honestly say that I love you!. But I can empathize with the confusion you might be having!. I too find it difficult to understand the concept of loving a complete stranger!. To me, it dampens the feeling!. I mean, if I were to love every individual I ever pass on the street or come into contact with, the love I hold for those closest to me would be overshadowed or less as bright!. I don't know, it's hard for me to explain I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com