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Question: Is it the right question to ask!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.I wonder, and sometimes I think it is, but what is the right answer!?

Why do we suffer!?

Thank you for your comments!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because "we" believe "this" is "life"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we interpret things as being negative

the physical sensation of touching something burning hot is not inherently painful, believe it or not!. Its only because our brain immediately says "oh no! bad! move your hand away!" that we interpret it as "pain"

thats really all there is to it, and it is possible to overcome, at least to some extentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Suffer in what way!? Illness!? living things get sick and there is pain!. Heartbreak!? Human beings are emotional and this can bring about feeling of sadness!. Financial problems!? Bad things happen to good people!. One can grow as a person though suffering or just give up!. The choice is with each of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"We never had to suffer, did we!?" Dagney asked quietly!. John Galt was recovering under a blanket from the electro-shock torture to which he had been subjected!.
"No," he said, as he watched the lights of New York City disappear for the last time!. Looking down from the window of the plane, he traced the sign of the dollar in the air, and said, "No, we never had to suffer!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Biblically speaking, we suffer because we are sinners!. It is innate to man to suffer the consequences of his sins!.

also, suffering is a reminder of God's tremendous love for us!. How can we appreciate joy if we've never known sorrow!?

Suffering is a part of God's discipline to us!.!.!.
-to remind us of His goodness
- to re-orient us of His will
-to fully understand His message
-to remind us of our limitations
- for us to discover how strong our faith is in Him!.

Man tend to do things his way, neglecting God, thinking that he can do all things without intervention!.!.!. but man is entirely wrong!.!.!.

We should be thankful if we are being chose to suffer because it is a way of reminding us of God's love, that He does not want us to go astray, that He wants to keep us in the safety of His loving warmth and grace, that he is calling us to be with Him!.

God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Why do we suffer!?" That is a good question!. i will take you step by step to the answer!. Suffering is not a result of merely being rational!. Because, even irrational beings do suffer!. mmmmm, then being rational does not answer the whole question!. Okay, becasue human beings are a combination of 'reason and passion!.' We are build this way for a reason, and it is necessary for us to suffer!?

EDIT: if you are capable of manipulating your own feelings, and avoid pain!.!.!.that mean you cannot feel sorry for other either when you see them burning!.!.!.dying from hunger with a tear in their eyes!.!.!.zheeez!! No matter how much i have the power to overcome my own pain!.!.!.i still suffer when i see others are suffering!.!.!.!.at least i would feel sorry that they do not have the same power to overcome their pain!.!.

could we be totally selfish and just avoid other's pain!?!?!? uhhh no way i can do that!.!.!.if you all can!.!.!.that is saddness in itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com