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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it wrong to go after your dreams and neglect your responsibilities?

Question: Is it wrong to go after your dreams and neglect your responsibilities!?
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Make a decision and commit yourself to owning the responsibility for the outcome of the decision - good or bad!. Then either way you decide you will be okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible in the Old Testament states that "A dream comes through the multitude of business!." In the New Testament, Jesus asked this question, "Who among you sitting down to build a tower counteth not the cost first, and then builds it!." You see, I think that in life, dreams are accomplished when kept in proper balance with responsibilities!. Remeber also, that one should delegate some responsibilitites in life, and it is Zig Ziglar, the most inspirational motivational speaker of our day, said, "You can get what you want, by helping enough other people to get what they want!." Make sure that you have the wherewithal to hold to your dream, while looking well to the ways of your finances, your family, your friends, and your faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont get what u mean by "responsibilities"
but i reakon that if you have a dream, you should go for it and make it happen!. You never know if you never try!.
Live your dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world isn't so black and white!. You can chase your dreams AND keep up with your responsibilities!. Just take some time to solve the puzzle of how to get both done!.

BTW: Neither 'right' nor 'wrong' actually exist; they are learned perceptions by people who are judgemental!.

Well, it's wrong to neglect your responsibilities for any reason!. IF you want to make a life change, then you have to tie up your present responsibilities, make sure they are provided for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no you only get one turn at life then you blink and it's over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good to take caref one's responsibilities, if they are really yours, and not something you have been socialized to accept!.
Follow your dreams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is it wrong to neglect your dreams and focus solely on your responsibilities!?

It sure makes for a boring life!. Better to find a balance that allows both!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

dreams have to represent your responsibilities!.
don't split from your reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I once knew a guy who left his wife to search for the spiritual truth!. He didn't feel that he could find it staying in the lovely home they'd literally built together, in unsatisfying domesticity!. So he went upon his wonderings and he found what he was looking for!.

Meanwhile his wife was heart- broken and was searching for spiritual answers for the feeling of loss and abandonment!.
After a couple of years he realized that he had to return to her!.And that infact he could have found this even when he was still with her!. They sold their beautiful house and with the interest they travelled and grew together!.
I don't suppose that this true story answers your question, yet your question brought this into mind!.
I think that dreams and responsibilities can sometimes live together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it is, you can only start to enjoy something through accepting your responsibility towards it!.

It is good to go after a dream, it means you have direction which many people don't, but a dream will be more rewarding if work out an equilibrium between responsibilities and ambition, and also more deserving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com