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Position:Home>Philosophy> How many of you can genuinely declare that you aren't living life out of hab

Question: How many of you can genuinely declare that you aren't living life out of habit!?
Do you really have a grand cause for living!?

Can you confidently say that you didn't get at all what the villain from Matrix said (guy who betrays Morpheus and his crew) : I wish Morpheus didn't unplug me in the first place to see the reality!. I rather be plugged as a battery and live in a virtual reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Up to about 15 years ago I did!.

Lately I have been trying to see the truth!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would hazard an educated guess of about one billion to approximately six billion of us can actually declare that we aren't living life out of habit!. Nor as a hobbit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is a rotten question but i will answer!. yes my life is nothing but habbits (with exception of drinking and smoking)!. when i lose a habit, or it is taken away from me (like my wife), i practicly lose it !. drinking and smoking are bad habbits!. you are also referencing the red pill!. honestley if i could go back and not know what i know now, i might!.

1!. is it better to have loved and lost or to never have loved at all!?
2!. i think stupid people have more fun, because, they dont know any better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

THE ONLY GRAND CAUSE I HAVE, is to Live Life As It Comes!.
By that I mean, always push 'The Boundaries of Your World' and if they break and you go down, but you!.'Try' to get back up again and you keep trying till you "Succeed"!.

So the only 'Habit' I have, apart from being heavily addicted to Caffeine, Red Wine, Cheese, Chocolate and Cheesecake!.

Is I always 'Try', and there's no Zap in living life as a battery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Breathing is not a habit!. Eating and defecating is not a habit!. Answering your question is not a habit!.
etc!. etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Since your question's clarity as to what you mean by "living life out of habit" is a tad murky I will answer:
"Do you really have a grand cause for living!?"
And I will say no, and the simple answer to living out of habit (taken in terms of very literal reading) To an extent we all are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com