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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is killing wrong.?

Question: Why is killing wrong!.!?
we all know that killing a person is wrong!.
What is it that makes it so wrong!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Killing is not necessarily wrong!.

You need to define your terms of reference!.

Murder, defined as the unlawful killing of another is ALWAYS wrong!. However, killing another in defense of your own, or someone else's life is called justifiable homicide!. Yes, it is killing, but it is legal if you are truly defending your own life!.

The 10 Commandments, referred to in the Christian Bible, and Jewish Torah, contain the reference to "Thou shalt not kill!." This is unfortunately, an inaccurate translation!. Properly translated, the phrase is "Thou shalt not murder!."

Killing as a uniformed member of the armed forces of a nation at war is legal, as long as the rules of war are followed!. They are far to numerous to get into in this short answer, but suffice it to say that those who don't follow the rules of war, leave themselves open to prosecution as war criminals!.

So killing is not always wrong, and is sometimes justified depending upon the circumstances!.

In any case, any loss of human life, whether justified and legal, or not, is a tragedy!.

But to actually answer your question, why is it wrong to kill someone!. Because human life is precious!. It is fragile and each human being is unique!. Each human being has the potential to bring something great into this world by their existence!.

Whether you are religious or not is irrelevant!. Human life is and should be considered sacred, for lack of a better term, and the loss of the potential greatness that one person could add to the world is a terrible tragedy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many reasons and many different answers I could have given, but I think I'll answer it like this:

If you were to go out right now and kill the first person you saw, would he or she ever get a chance to ponder the very question you were able to ask here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

simply because we have decided that it is!.

That is it!.

Every society has it's exceptions to that rule!. This shows you that it's all relativeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it's not wrong!.!.!. but the fact still remains many people don't WANT to die so therefore you would force others to do something they don't want to do, in other words you would play "God" and humans already have enough power they're irresponsible with let alone thinking we're God all the time by killing each other!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it (falsly) assumes that one life is more important than anotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's wrong because it hurts a lot of people at once and takes away much more than just one simple human life!.

In a practical sense, back in ancient times, killing a person would deprive the tribe of a valuable resource, as a hunter or a childbearer!.

When you kill someone, you are prematurely and instantly taking away a friend, parent, lover, family member, spouse, supporter, worker, contributor, artist, or whatever!. Survivors who are connected in any way to the life taken, are left to feel the pain at having that premature loss!. And a very common reaction to such emotional pain is to lash out!.!.!.and of course, the most obvious (and rightful) target is the one who did the killing!.

Of course, this can very easily start a chain reaction that leads to the loss of many more lives!.!.!.look at the history of WWI where the "spark" that started the whole thing was a young boy assasinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand!.!.!.taking one life led to the taking of many others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, that statement is subjective in my opinion!. You have to first realize that not EVERYONE agrees murder is wrong!.

The underlying act of murder is taking away someones free will!. We are all born with free will, and therefore, it should not be anyone's right to take someones free will away under normal circumstances!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The basic premise behind the immorality of killing is that taking life is counter-productive (literally)!.
It is also an exertion of power over another by ending their life when they were unwilling, which is taking on authority you aren't granted!.

Natural has programmed us to want to survive as a way to maintain our species!. Killing goes against this, our most deeply ingrained instinct!.
Combine this idea with that of taking choice away from intelligent beings and you have a very powerful prohibition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whats makes it wrong in my opinion is that god send us all to this world to live a good life along with that to pray to god!. killing someone without a good reason means that the killed person could not perform his or her responsibilities!. and also that person cannot live the life that he or she is living!. not doing what god has send us here to do is bad enough and not letting people to do it is even worse!.
simly putting it taking away something given by god to another person without a reason is making it bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your taking that persons life away, meaning they are no longer going to be on this earth!. by killing someone, it effects there family, friends and anyone who was impacted by this person!. it will be a huge change in there lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.because your taking someones life away!.!.!.and isnt it a sin!? Ok its just wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its wrong because no person has the right 2 decide who lives & who dies,theres only one person who decides thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because!. You know it, I know it!. It's wrong because unless you're God, (no, you are not) you are taking away something you didn't give!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply put, would you like someone to kill you!? The answer is no, so that's how you know it's wrong!. I can't imagine being killed, just the termination of myself scares me!. So, if you can imagine what it would be like and it scares/offends you, then it must be wrong, at least to the individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are here to learn!. Killing takes this opportunity away!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

Who's to say killing is wrong!? I don't think it is, necessarily!. It's purely circumstantial!.Www@QuestionHome@Com