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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are your thoughts on what makes a happy home?

Question: What are your thoughts on what makes a happy home!?
Is it the people in the home, or is it financial stability!? Or is it what we make it!? I am truely happy for the first time of my life, and yet I am still missing things that I thought as a child would make me happy!. For the first time in my life I am able to serve God in all aspects of my life with a partner who believes the same way I do!. I feel total gratification spiritually, mentally, physically, and sexually!. Although I lack in other areas, my rewards at home give me the most gratification!. I am thankful, I serve such an awesome God to give me such an awesome home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
for husband and wife if each puts God first and the spouse second the surprising thing is that that husband and wife experience a closeness that cannot be experienced any other wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

it is in making God the center of your hearts and the center of your homes!. With God in the center, you can never go wrong!.

I define a happy home as a father's palace, a mother's kingdom and the children's paradise!Www@QuestionHome@Com

in my opinions that is ppl and love would make a happy home!.!.!.!. sumtime love can win sexual desire!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great that you have earned lot of satisfaction in your life!. Happy home implies peace, satisfaction, rest, respect and people around you to listen to you, guide you, motivate you, console you and so onWww@QuestionHome@Com

you have to figure you play many many roles in your life! and just because most of them are doing great that still leaves improvment on other other roles!

break down your life and see!.!. What roles you play!
your relegious so taht's one role!
you have a partner are you man or women that's your role
you have friends i'm sure Friend role!
your a home owner/renter/ is a role
got any parents!?!? you still have the role of a child! maybe an older one!

education are you in school or taking any classes to further educatiojn!? if so then you have a role in that

if i mentioned any roles that you don't ahve that you want then you ahve to apply it1

hope i didn't confuse you too much1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never confuse a house and a home !.!.!. A home truly is where your heart is !. A place to find love and acceptance !. It is not about finances and property !. It's about the people who live there and the love they share !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ALL OF THE ABOVE!. You are a lucky guy indeed; but remember what Christ told the young lawyer who "had done every right thing" and asked a somewhat similar question as you just did!? I don't suggest you give away all you have, as Jesus told him -- not in this 2008 world!. However, if you find a vocation to help some kids or to somehow "give back" a part of your enormous blessing, you could discover real fullfillment in life!. At least you will have tried!.!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's seeking happiness for others knowing your own comes in this process!. What we see in the world holds nothing that we desire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What makes a happy home depends on the person!. What makes a happy home for me, personally, is space, organization, cleanliness, and of course, it has to look good in general!. I wouldn't want pink and green walls or some other atrocity!.

It's also good to share it with somebody you love and can get along with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A happy home is founded on love and honesty, and communication!.
The opposite of love is not hate, it is "self"!. Therefore, love means thinking about your partner first!.
Honesty is just that!. The refusal to lie or withhold truth from your partner, and children!.
Communication is built on the willingness and desire to talk over all the things that are going on in your lives!. Work, school, family, goals, frustrations, fears!. It should be part of your relationship, not just a chore that needs to be done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Positive thoughts filled with joy makes home happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com