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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes one believe in god?

Question: What makes one believe in god!?
only seems similar 2 other qs alike bt the accent in mines on WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES A NEWBORN ATHEIST BABY START BELIEVING IN GOD!.4 me its simple!.every newborn is athest!.then in example 1 baby is born in religious family so mom dad and all start brainwashing baby telling it theres god thou noone knows if its true!.so baby starts believing in-IT BELIEVES JUST ANYTHING & EVERYTHING IMPORTANT GROWNUPS SAY-it itself untill its age of 15 when its brains capable of thinking on its own bt its 2 late then!.in example 2 babys mom-mine-says nothing about god so i dont believe in it!.end of story!.LOL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

a combination of genetics and environmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was raised by atheists and given no indoctrination!. I am not an atheist and believe in "Nature" rather than a "God"!. The freedom to combine evolution with intelligent design satisfies most of my longings, without resorting to fantasy!.

If you had used proper language and spelling you would have gotten a star from me!. It is a good question but your writing is embarrassing!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

true!. I'm fifteen and I'm having a dilema like this trying too choose, and my parents may have brainwashed me but I can think for myself and I need to ask myself this: Whichever I choose what will I loose!?

There's some kind of theory on this I forgot what it was though!. If I beliefve in God then what will I lose!? If he does exist I will gain immortality and live hapilly, but if he doesn't exist I gain nothing!.

If I'm atheist and God exists then!.!.!. well I guess you may go to Hell or Purgatory or some other place depending maybe on how you acted during your life!. But if God doesn't exist you gain nothing just like someone who did believe in God!. The onyl difference is if he does indeed exist!.

So you have to ask youself this: "Are you willing to bet that when you pull the trigger on the gun that it's not loaded!?" It's like Russian Roulette except the chambers are either always loaded or always not loaded and sometimes someone saves you and sometimes someone doesn't!.

However whether I believe in God or not I will not let this dictate my behaviour!. I will live selfless and noble and honorable to the best of my abilities!. However I'm not going to decide soon!. I can only hope that if God does exist he has mercy on me and judges me on what I did in my life and not whether or not I thought he was real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god exist!.and the evidence is for example humans make paper out of leaves!. before there wasnt anything called paper because humans make it they cant make themselves on their own!. the same goes for humans!. without existing in this world could they make themselves!. thats imposible!. humans create paper!. god creates humans!. thats sounds sensible!. what makes one believe in god is the environment around us when people start growing up start thinking about how things function and work then the idea of god existing will not be a some brainwashing rather a reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we ask ourself "how we live!?" and found how complex the body function or ecosystem!. then we asked again "so why we live and die !?" we try to relate this complex order with something, becuz ,just Order doesnt have meaning , we disapear max 100 years later in suffer!.!.!.everbody have to bear somethigs in their life, what is it for!? people could kill theirself but they know there must be a purpose of this game!.
also there must be organizer of game too, and surely its someone who has power to execute, done!.!.and there snt only thing in world possible to be such power!. so it must be above us then ;) And also there re still many answers of ur question!.!.!.i guess they appear to u when u find out how fake life we live in!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This did it for me!.

Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away!.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew!. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew!. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body!. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me!. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time!. I realize how crazy this must sound!. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality!. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination!.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience!. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this!. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist!. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to!.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us!.
During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to!. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible!.

I can’t explain the love I felt with words!. They simply don’t make words big enough or complete enough to do this!. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there!. Nothing but love!. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort!. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created!. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed!.

I hope this is of some help to you!. Good luck!. Love and blessings!.

Your brother donWww@QuestionHome@Com

The fact that science and knowledge are never full attained!. We need explanations, and as soon as we get them, we need more!. This website is proof of that!. To many people who don't like to think, "God" is that simple explanation, for everything!. The word means nothing to me!. If there is a God, he can surely die, just as we can, and there are/were surely more Gods, just as there are more humans!. So then, in essence, what is GOD!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm sorry, but this isn't a very smart question at all!. on top of that, you pretty much answered it for yourself!.

a baby isn't born an atheist, that's completely ridiculous!. a baby is born a blank canvas, and it's the people and surroundings that it grows accustomed to that paint upon that canvas!. a baby has no idea what anything is at all, much less the concept of a god, or atheism!. yes, obviously if the baby's family shoves religion down their throat and forces them to believe it, then they're gonna end up brainwashed and disturbed, as is extremely common!.

what makes you believe anything!? yourself, dude!. no one but you can make the decision to believe in one thing or another!. you're the only one in control of your own brain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God's free gift of sanctifying grace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the realization in a mature state that God believes in youWww@QuestionHome@Com