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Position:Home>Philosophy> Socrates taught Philosophy but Plato marketed Philosophy which one is the pure p

Question: Socrates taught Philosophy but Plato marketed Philosophy which one is the pure philosopher!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Socrates did the marketing by bringing philosophy to the masses!. He was the first "pop" philosopher!.

Plato, according to one of his biggest critics, developed most of the basic questions we still try to answer today--how is that for a critique by a detractor!?
He was very Socratic, metaphysically speaking, but he did something no one had done before him--he introduced "doubt" in the discussion!.

Both were real philosophers--what is a 'pure' philosopher!? What is 'pure' philosophy!?

They were both "real" philosophers, but I have a problem with what effect Socrates' philosophy had EXCEPT to popularize the subject!. One good thing he did was teach Aristotle's teacher who--thank goodness--dispelled any of his own doubts by rationally discovering the answer!. He pointed to the earth when Plato pointed to the heavens!.

Socrates said the only thing he knew was that he knew nothing!. On the other hand he said all men are born with all knowledge and we simply need to ask ourselves the right questions to get it to come to our consciousnesses!.
His contradictions made him the most confusing philosopher until Immanuel Kant taught that there is NO WAY we can know anything because of "noumena," but "pure reason" could overcome obstacles even though that "pure reason" supposedly had to come from faith--because of duty and because "We must believe in God AS IF HE EXISTED!." (not an exact quote!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

most triumphant!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plato didn't always stick to Socrates!. In his critique of Socrates he was expounding his own philosophy!. Its more like going to the movies with Gene Siskel or your girlfriend!. It all depends on what you want to talk about in the movie as far as a review!. Your girlfriend will see it one way, Gene will see it from a more technical POV and you'll see it still another way, but it was still the same show!. In other words, its all opinion and there is no good or bad one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True philosophy is spoken and heard; One who markets is not a true philosopher!.!.!. Philosophy and wisdom is free to those who will have ears and hear it;

So what!. The guy had to eat and probably pay his mortgage like most of us!. He was just as valid as any other philosopher - just like you and me! Eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Funny you should ask your question that way!. Socrates would deny that he ever taught anything to anyone! His major claim was that he did not know anything and only asked those who claimed to know!. I could give you many references from the Dialogs, but I don't have time!. Plato loved wisdom and believed that Socrates was the wisest man he had ever met!. He was one of the best writers the world has produced and I doubt that he marketed Philosophy in a way that would have upset his teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Socrates was also executed for his teachings though!. Plato became heavy hearted over this loss, and decided to build the Republic!.!.!. Plato stuck to many teachings of Socrates, but he tried to make it more acceptable so Socrates' end was not revisited by the philosophers to come!. Plato was not a Sophist though, in any way!. The Sophists were the marketers of philosophy that sought out personal gain and chraged a riduculous fee to do so!. Plato built a school, and a system so people could learn and be educated in philosophy without being condemned by the government!. It was a very smart thing for Plato to do!. Just think, without Plato's work, Aristotle would not have come into play, and the many philosophers after who also lived a religous lifestyle!. Plato made it acceptable to follow philosophy, religion, and law at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com