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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are evil people born evil or do develop it over time?

Question: Are evil people born evil or do develop it over time!?
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Yes, I think they get there both ways!. If you want to believe in evil!.

peace and loveWww@QuestionHome@Com

It develpops over time no one is born "evil' or "good for that matter!.

It is like with dogs no dog is born vicious they become viciousWww@QuestionHome@Com

They are made evil,they haven't been born evil!.Be quite sure about that!.Nobody is born evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a question that scientists are working on at the moment!. Some believe that experiences through life determine whether you're "evil" or not, and others think the answer might lie in one of the "evil" person's 46 chromosones!.!.!. Good question though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

people are not considered to be evil its just loan thought in there mind developing to bad situations when they get older!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think one could be born that way, but their ability's develop through out the years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on your view of what evil is!.

To some, I'm sure using the internet is evil!. Therefore, most of America (at least) is evil to some people!. Good and evil are subjective terms!. Deviations from what is acceptable, a more general question to pose, occur throughout someone's life!.

We aren't born with anything preprogrammed!. We develop the tendencies to do things in certain ways!. Whether or not we'll see them as evil varies from person to person!. So at least we know we're not born with it and, naturally, we develop it over our lives!. Asking if these behaviors are evil is another question best left up to yourself and your perception, or your society/culture if you choose to let them decide for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nobody is born evil, and nobody is evil, the mind simply deciphers right and wrong in different ways for some peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

The word 'BORN' is a sensitive word!. There's nothing negative as BORN-Negative!. A child, of course an innocent one is a BORN child, that's all!. The rest are 'developed' over time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well all people are capable of anything!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. but if mental and physical torture are induced on them [or they have a brain decency of a sort] It will cause them to have an uncontrollable rage which they feel must be taken out on the world!.But it is argued that many people who are concenderd evil are born that way seeing as all people's personality's are imprinted on their brain from birth!. so It may be impossible to answer!. but i would say it varies from person to personWww@QuestionHome@Com

I feel through circumstances ppl do mean or hurtful things because they have been hurt themselves!. They don't know how to let go of that pain so they lash it out on others!. No one is born that way, it's taught of shown toward them for a period of time and now that person doesn't know any better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe all people are actually born bad!. society teaches us to be good which goes against human nature!. some people start out being good like they are told and then things happen to them that make them no longer care what society wants, and even try hard to be what shocks and hurts people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Paths of Light and Darkness" and "The Path of Christ or Antichrist," Mark Prophet;
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, give insight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one is born good or bad [evil]!. I dont believe that there is such a thing as a good or a bad person!. Everyone does their share of the good and the bad!. Everyone is equally good and bad!. I just think that there some people who are led down the wrong path, but that does not make them evil or bad!. Everyone is netural, and sometimes they are led down the wrong path or they are at the wrong place at the wrong time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe when we are younger we see more clearly the differance between good and evil!. We are more aware of the differance!. Kids can tell!.
Your question is what is the nature of evil and are we born with this nature in tact!?

Yes I believe evil can test us even at birth!.
Evil might be called the oppisite of a good!.
The recignition of evil declares a good!. We see the obvious of evil but good is always hidden within us!. Good is not obvious, but evil is well known!. Good is not selfish and does not bragg so it is hidden!.
The answer is there is within us a spirit that either desires truth or evil!. What do you choose!.

I do not remember at birth the any fight of good or evil that I face now but I would say the spirit within me was the same and will be the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that people's conduct is the product of what has been dished out to them by their peers!. It is all cause and effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out Philip Zimbardo's 'The Luficer Effect'!. He says the line between good and evil is permeable!. anyone, even someone regarded as 'good', can be evil at anytime, it depends on the environment/context/situation!. so you may not be born evil, you may not even develop it, just certain events may cause it, temporarily!. it is possible for an 'evil' person to return to 'good'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com