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Question: My poem No love = no life!.!?
No love equals no life!.

Why does this life have to be so cruel '
and cold not caring if you die or grow old!.
My mind is so confused
you say you love me 'but all i see is hate which you always gave me!.
My heart has a gaping open wound which i need to thank-you as you treated me like your fool!. Never would i see the real you!.
When you were down
i lifted you up 'when i was down you continued to kick me ' till i was underground!.
Never have i been this sad
and today is the day i will go away!.
where i will be everyone
is happy and free ' and never will i feel this kind of pain
again my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It matters not that he loves you or not!. Yes, it is nice when someone loves you, especially if you love them, but the important thing is that YOU love!. Not necessarily love someone, but something, or everything!. Love nature, love the concept of love, love people, not sexual love, but love of their being, much like the love you and others have shown Kilroy's Sister the last 4 months!. The love that builds, not destroys!. That is what is really important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is so much more to life than love from someone else/boyfriend-girlfriend!. So somebody did you wrong!. Don't let your life be ruled by your emotions!. This sadness will pass!. You will be ok!. Remember what Scarlet said,"Tomorrow is another day!." Focus on what is good, true, fine, pure, and beautiful!. You are worth living for!. Go out and help someone less fortunate than yourself!. Volunteers are needed in so many nonprofit organizations!. Believe me, you will find yourself in a much brighter frame of mind after helping others in need!. Keep your chin up!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very dramatic!. Very human!. Being human and dramatic, makes it old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of my theories of life is:

Very interesting poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

Each morning wish yourself a Beautiful Day ahead, and
Remember its not a kind world out there,
so, have low expectations,
better still, none!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a poem it is wonderful but still u dont want to come out of ur negative thinking, b positive and write about HOPE,NATURE,CHIRPING BIRDS,INNOCENT KIDS!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like it
it has depth to itWww@QuestionHome@Com