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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you look at things from my angle or Do you look at things from your angle?

Question: Do you look at things from my angle or Do you look at things from your angle!?
Thanks in advance for answering!. Peace and Love to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am blessed to be able to do both as need arises!. It is something that happens to all as the walls of separation begin to fall!. In reality, It is seeing from a third point that can see both!. For me it came after a very profound experience of unity!.

I do believe that my view is the best one for me right now!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Angles remind me of math and i hate math so i look at things from this pedestal or that pedestal
so i look at things from all viewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I look at things from my angle, that is subjectivity!. I don't think I can really see things from your angle!.!.!.
maybe Clinton's angle, if I can get my head far enough up my ***Www@QuestionHome@Com

Naturally, from my angle!.
With a lot of effort, from yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always look from my angle!. Usually first but not always!. We ALL do!.

I try to look from other angles!.

Some angles I just don't conceive of in the first place!.

Some angles would require hanging upside down on a thin rope from a mountain precipice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you mean by "my angle" and "your angle!."
If you don't mean the trivial point of the same physical POV, then the only possible way to look at things is from your own angle!. The best I can do with your angle is to look at what you tell me is your angle, figure out what my take would be on it, and look at it from **my angle on what I take to be your angle!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

not sure what your angle is, but mine is most certainly obtuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From mine to start with!.!.!. with some effort, from yours!. With a bit more effort, hopefully, from angles that are neither mine nor yours, but are perhaps someone else's, or an angle that was never thought of to begin with!. I like to think that I'm able to see a situation from many different points of view!.

I try to view things from every angle!. There are many angles not just yours and mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every viewpoint is subjective!.!.{{Hugs}}Www@QuestionHome@Com

I look at things from my angle!. Being me, I can do no different!. I can try to see things from your angle, but not being you, I doubt I can ever get a really clear picture of the way you see things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always try to see the others point of view!. Of course I feel more at home with mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends, I look at things from my own angle when I want to get my person going!. However, I look at things from your angle, when I want to get connected with another person!. I mean spiritually or intellectually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I look at things from my angle!.

If I tried to look at things from your angel, it would become my new angle and not through your eyes or experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only look at something from your angle if you are in a hallway!.!.!.only when you have closed the doors can anyone see what you see, and once you closed the doors you no longer care about my angle anyway!.

I can only try to understand, and I only understand what I no longer question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is your angle!? If you put that, I could answer your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course im look with my angle, that the difference from u and me!.!.!. that why we should share with others so we can look into other views which cant do at the same time!.!.!.isnt!?!.!.!.n u cant be me also i cant be u!.!.!.the beautiful of world where everybody are differenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've looked at things from your angle, and found it wanting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try, bro, I really try!.

I tell ya, though, its gotten me in trouble!. I've kept my comments to myself in the past!.!.!. mostly because I don't know where a person may be coming from!.

But, when the time came were I felt the need to express myself, people were shocked and taken aback!.

I've had to work at learning to express myself a bit more!.!.!.!. and not holding it back as much!.

Kinda weird, I know!.!.!.!. but, its part of my path, I guess :)

peace respects regardsWww@QuestionHome@Com

as many angles as can be considered, are the ones that should be looked at!. Life is not black and white!. And it is often much more than just grey!. ^ ^ So!.!.!.in the case of your question, I would consider both of our perspectives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can only look at things from my angle, because for me I'm the middle of the world, I've always been the middle, everything else and everyone else is only my projections!. Though I'd like to look from your angle, it would be only an interesting projection!.

When we "look" at things from an "angle" it is the mind searching!. The mind follows familiar 'karmic' patterns, endlessly, therefore getting the same results!. Nothing new can enter in!. We tend to sift, information received, through our usual "mind/funnel" and it comes out heavily flavored in a "conditioned/personalized/angle"!.

When there is openness, a relaxation of sorts, around information received!.!.!.not putting it 'anywhere' a newness of being will arise!.!.!.answers never thought of!. The wisdom in not knowing, having no angles, is perhaps where we will find our freedom from conditioned, 'karmic patterned', thinking!. :)

"Freedom From the Known" by J!. Krishnamurti is a very enlightened book on this subject!. There is another ancient, anonymous, piece!.!.!."The Cloud of Unknowing"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank you phae, you speak from my heart!.!.!.
from angle to no-angle, from words to wordlessness, from sound to soundlessness!.!.!.
when one leaves aside ones owns "standpoint" or "point of view", suddenly no separation, no i and the other!.!.!. just awareness of all that is happening in all "angles"Www@QuestionHome@Com