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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is this insatiable dimensional yearning...?

Question: What is this insatiable dimensional yearning!.!.!.!?
Do you ever feel like there's something really big, something very pleasant and inviting, but beyond your reach!.!.!.how does it make you feel!?

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Nirvana!. All sane people want it-even if they aren't aware!. Only the insane acheive it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Comforted, because one day I will be there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't remember!. It seems to lessen with age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel restrained!.!.!. like i'm being taunted, and this inviting essence keeps haunting my mind!.!.!. Only my heart knows what i am yearning for, but it slips from my grasp the closer i get!.!.!.
One day this insatiable yearning will reveal its self to me!.!.!. One day it surely will; so, i shall wiat;

Yes!. And it makes me feel frustrated and heartbroken!.

I started studying pure mathematics as a mature student and threw everything I had into it!. But after a few years of incredible toil, I hit the wall and just couldn't get any further!. I was okay with the fact that I spent 85% of my non-sleeping hours working at it, and I was okay with the fact that 85% of that time was frustrating dead ends because 5% of the time there was euphoria at having accomplished something!. I was also okay with the fact that despite my efforts, I only understood about 40% of what I was being "taught"!.

I sense that advanced algebra is beautiful and I have REALLY wanted to progress further, to get closer to that beauty!. But time, money and excruciating diminishing returns have caused me to abandon that quest!.

It is a dimensional yearning - not for God or Nirvana or heaven, but for a different kind of transcendence!. An intellectual one!.

It is a terrible thing to realise that (despite what your parents or Oprah tell you) no matter how much you want something and no matter how hard you are willing to work towards something, there are no guarantees that you will be successful!. They tell you that so that you'll try and that's a good thing!. But it hurts like heck when you figure it out for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I feel that way every time I look at a Playboy centerfold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For many years it was a constant ache, an unfilled need that I just could not name!. Lately this has changed, but then so have I!. I know of what you speak!. It feels like you can reach up & feel this essence in it's vastness, but even attempting to really speak of it or even think of it is not possible, it is just too big!. Instead of pain today it fills me with a type of wonder & awe!. Maybe someone better with communication could put it into words, but for me it is an unspeakable that can only be experienced!. At times it feels like I am remembering vaguely something I have forgotten, & other times it just feels like the call to home!. Words really do fail me here!.