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Question: Is language vital to abstract thought!?
Can complex abstract thought exist without language!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everyone here is defining language pretty narrowly!. So you have a system of symbols!? Why not make them super accurate symbols so that you can understand more!. So replace the word 'dog' with a picture of a dog!. Why not take it a step further!? Make a symbol for every dog you know and make it absolutely correct to the extent that you percieved that dog!. Low and behold the symbol is indistinguishable from the dog; is the dog!. You come to the conclusion that experience IS perfect concrete language!.

Of course it's all just one big moment, one symbol!. It's constantly changing, but you can't compare it to anything until you get ration and abstract thought!. They are what is present the instant you break up the single symbol of experience into multiple ones which interact!. The more fundamentally different ways you can manipulate the symbols, the more intelligence and abstraction!.

I know I didn't answer the question!.!. I haven't thought about it enough myself!. But I wanted to show why I think the distinction between Experience and Language is a bit blurry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it can!. Language has no bearing on thoughts but only on how we perceive them!. Thus a thought can be very meaningful without thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

We, as Humans, cannot know the world without language!.
Without language we merely live in moments of sensation without a way to categorize or conceptualize anything!.

Language allows us to organize the world so that we may better understand it and express our experiences to others!. Language uses Metaphor to liken abstract ideas and experiences to a past based-physical reality that we can better grasp!.

But to answer your question!.!.!.if you did not have language you would never know if you had an abstract thought because the idea of an abstract thought wouldn't exist to you!. You would simply have a sensation some where in you that would remind you of something physical in the world!.
So, yes, Language is vital!.
No, abstract thoughts could not exist without language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Complex abstract thought is simplified with the used of decomplexified articulation, which in turn provokes a new cycle of thought process running through the confusing myriad of the under realms until one's mindset, imagination and consciousness brings the truth seeker back to point of simple and perfect concise Absolute Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all!. Thought doesn't have to be in language -a baby has 'thoughts' to do things like crawl, reach, roll etc before they have language!. For a baby their thoughts must be pretty complex and abstract to them because it is all so new!.

Thoughts we have in our head are filled with more then language!.

When I think I think in sensations, smells, textures, tastes, sounds etc - the depth of these thoughts are more rich and abstract then I can put into words!.

Dreams aren't language for example but they can certainly be complex and abstract!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

complex abstract thought can exist without language, they might consist of complex shapes or colours but any thought whether complex or simple can not be described without languageWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. You can't make thoughts without words as then they're just reactions and emotions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If anything, language limits abstract thought!. However abstract thought can only be expressed through language, yes painting and such things alike can contribute but when you want to share what you are feeling or seeing or sensing from art, language is the only way to express your feelings!.

I would say that the best way to express abstract though is to combine language with image or even texture, to get the most out of what you are trying to explain!. People will never quite understand what you mean due to our different experiences etc!. but you can at least try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No language is not vital for thought!.

Take abstract art for an example, it doesnt specifically address anything in language, the people's different thoughts and ideas make the true reality on such concept!.

There is two question in your question!.

One, do we, as humans need to know language to conceptualize abstract thought!?

Two, does abstract whatever it is must co-exist with language in order for human beings to conceptualize!?

My answer to the first question is that we do not need to know the language for abstract thoughts!. We all have different levels of thinking, knowing language will only benefit us to conceptualize the higher level of abstract thought, thats it!. If we do not know the language, we will less likely to process higher/deeper abstract thought only!. So, language is not vital, it is only a benefit!.

Second, The huge difference between abstract thought when it comes to language and art is that language introduces the reader to have narrow, almost specific kind of abstract thought while art offers more various kinds of abstract thinking, here we can easily pick up that only language limits abstract thinking!. We can see that language is not a necessity!.

In conclusion, I dont believe that language is vital for abstract thought!. Even though you show a writing to a person who cannot read, he will be able to conceptualize abstract thought, that is not very deep because the only thing he will be able to pick up is the shape of the letters etc!. But if you do not consider this as abstract thinking, its vital for the person to understand the subject, because if you do not even understand the problem/question, how can you think complex concepts!?

Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com