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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that PORNOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET can influence some men to commit r

Question: Do you think that PORNOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET can influence some men to commit rape!?
Pornographic movies often portray women enjoying being rougly treated!. Some websites even show many Eastern European teenagers (some girls are no more than 13 or 14 years old) being dominated and abused by middle aged men!.
If we want to stop our children from being potential victims of rape then we have to tell the law makers that they are doing a terrible job by allowing some "monsters" to foment sexual violence against women, children and even men!.
Please tell me what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Ted Bundy did say that pornography had a big influence on his murders!. Now whether or not he was telling the truth!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not really!. rape has been around since the year dot!.

poor morals and low self control influence rape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isn't rape about power and control rather than sex!?

Is viewing pornography a necessary condition in order for rape to exist!?

How does fictional sexual violence compare to fictional murder violence!?

Isn't porn incredibly wide spread!? If porn equals rape, why isn't there more rape!?

How can we protect our children against rape if pornography isn't a prerequisite!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

sex crimes are terrible, but if you do a bit of research you'll find the places with the highest sex crime figures are ones where sex alternatives such as internet porn are restricted- Saudi Arabia and other places in the middle east, for example!. rather than encouraging violent behavior against women, porn actually seems to be providing an outlet for sexually frustrated people!. without it many would be pushed over the edge to do actual harm to others!.
so in short: porn=good :) at least from an overall perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!. no more than reading a murder mystery book tempts you to commit murder or a video game twists your views on reality in other words NO!. It's not a matter of the porn it's a matter of the person!. Give a guy a gun and he may shoot himself or someone else, but it doesn't depend on the gun it depends on the man holding the gun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe that porn alone would influence a man to commit rape!. A rapist usually has deeper psychological problems and flaws than merely viewing porn!. They have several character types that researchers have observed over the years!. While some rapists might be fans of porn, being a porn watcher doesn't make one into a potential rapist!. Your psychological profile is what seems to be determinative!.

also, one could make the argument that TV shows and mainstream movies depict violence against women even more than porn does!. Most porn focuses on sex and is harmless while only some of it is violent!. On the other hand, much of the programming on TV or in movie theaters are violent throughout!. Singling out porn because it shows graphic sex and ignoring the violence in the rest of media doesn't really make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's retarded!. That's like saying that if I watch Commando that I want to blow away a bunch of people with a machine gun!.

The whole "the devil made me do it" idea doesn't fly!. Men commit rape because they are sickos, not becase they saw some movie on television!.

If you can't distinguish between fantasy and reality then there is a problem with YOU!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Countries without sex education have the highest rate of sex crimes!. Europeans say that America is a country of prudes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com