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Question: Someone to confide in!?
No one, not even my closest friends or family, would understand what I am going through and the thoughts that go through my head!. It sounds embarrasing, but in order to not cry all the time, I have a made-up guy!. But I want a real person to talk to, someone who understands what I'm going through!.!.!.
Are you or do you know anyone like that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I day dream all the time!!
Almost like a second world as opposed this one in my head!
Its like a play with characters but at the end of the day i still know that reality is reality and my dreams are just dreams!.
So my advice to you is focus on the relationships around you, maybe you should tell your parents how you feel, so they can understand and try and connect with you and help you!. It will probably be hard to confide in them but as you said yourself you need to talk to someone!
If you want to talk feel free to email me, If you want to sort it out with the people around you then don't be afraid to ok!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure of how old you are but I know when I was a teenager I went through A LOT of the same feelings!. Even though I never had anyone made up I'm sure that's just your way of dealing with what you have going on!.

I don't mean to get too personal but it's important that you have someone to talk to!. Keeping things in is what causes problems!.

I hope this helps! Remember God loves you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"No one would understand what I am going thru!."
That's your first mistake!. If you don't talk to your family and friends, how will you ever know if they understand!? "A real person to talk to!." Sounds to me like your looking for a lover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is always there for you!.!.!.!.!.to listen, to talk to you, and love you unconditionally!. GOD is real!.

I am sorry that you can not find someone to share your thoughts with!. Just try to open up yourself!. You'll be surprise a lot of people might be going through the same thing!.

Please make sure you get help!. Once you start to talk about it!. The problem might not be as big, or as bad as you think!.

Check this video out!.!.!.!.!.!.it is a very well make with beautiful music and scenery!. It sooths you and gives you peace!. It helps when you are down, it gives you a better prospective in life!. This is my favorite video

There, I just said a prayer for you!
From someone who cares!.
Go ahead watch the video!.!.!.,,, : )

2nd post for hannah,
Hey GIRL, notice you have 4 replies within 30 min!. They all care about you!. I am proud of you by reaching out for help!. The second step: Reach out to your family and friends!. Or school teacher, staff, doctors!. Don't ever give up!. Life is as simple as you make it to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pick one of your friends!.!.!.!.the one you trust the most and confide in him/her one of your feelings!.

If that works out confide a little more to this person!.

Having someone who understands you is a gift to be cherished!.

If you can't trust anyone your know!.!.!.!.how about some counseling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with "daljack" some counseling might be a good thing if you honestly have no one who will understand!.

The great things about counsellers are: (a) they have a LEGAL obligation not to discuss what you've discussed (unless you've mentioned hurting yourself or others)!. and (b) an experianced counseller has seen/heard it ALL before!.

I went through a phase in my teengae years where I had REALLY bad depression, and sadistic tendancies!. I thought I was a pedophile/rapist and thus better off dead!.

I wasn't though!. It was all due to misdiagnosis and the medications my psychiatrist had me on!.

So councelling pretty much saved my life!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ummm let me thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hey!.!.!.don't worry it's normal!.!.!.we all try to find something to reply on , to trust and help us take off things of our chests!.!.!.
When I feel that I cannot talk to anyone , I resort to writing!.!.!.I write my thoughts!.!.I write stories were I can create my own characters and build my own imaginary world!.!.!.sometimes I even day dream about possible situations in real life like meeting someone special and I even perform it by speech!.!.!.
These are all longings to human warmth and understanding!.!.!.
but , my advice to you is to talk to your friends, your family!.!.don't make judgments before you try it!.!.!.tell them what you feel and what you think about things and I ensure you that things will be clarified to you!.!.sometimes when we talk things become clear to ourselves and the other person's understanding is not necessary!.!.you got what I mean!? talking may make you realize things about yourself that you may not have known before!
hope this helps!.!.!.
wish you all the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Remember their is nothing out their that you can't handle!. It is very hard to find someone who you can trust!. If you are school age talk to your school counculur!. If not see your doctor and tell him or her that you want to talk to someone!. You can handle it!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the way you ask the question but i just want to suggest somebody i know, that answers questions scientifically, biblically and logically!.!.!. if you have time and hope you would take time on this, you will never waste your time!. visit this website www!.esoriano!.wordpress!.com and www!.theoldpath!.com!. be patient enough, critical, investigative, open minded!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com