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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can any single act, in and of itself, be good or evil?

Question: Can any single act, in and of itself, be good or evil!?
Someone gave me an example that he thought was cut and dry:
“Do you kick the cat or pet the cat!?” It seems he meant this to be obvious but is it!? What if the cat was about to attack you, or even a baby, or a smaller kitten, then kicking the cat might help the one being attacked!. Petting the cat may seem obviously good, but what if that cat doesn’t like to be pet!? Further, even if petting the cat makes it happy, have you really done something “good”!?
Don’t people do “good deeds” primarily to feel good about themselves!?
Can the good or evil of an act be measured by the impact it has on the person (or animal) it is being done to!? If a woman is mugged, and the event is a wake up call that ends up enacting a positive change in her life, were the muggers actions “good!?”
If you, with all goodness in your heart, buys someone a sandwich and brings it to them, and the sandwich, once eaten, makes the person sick!. Were you “evil” to bring it to them!?
Can the good or evil of an action be measured by the intent in your heart when you do it!? As long as you “mean well” are your actions automatically “good”!?
We all have seen examples of people doing terrible things with the best of intentions!.
Is it the result that determines if an act is good or evil, or is it the intent behind it!? Is there anyway at all to quantify it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All things are relative!. Electricity is not bad or good!.!.!.!.the application (intent) determines "good" or "bad"!. A gun can be a tool for good or evil!.!.!.depending on the reason a person uses it!. The intent!. The purpose!. Good or Evil !.!.!.these terms really are meaningless in the large scheme or things!. Are you evil for killing thousands of bugs and one celled animals (that you cannot see with the naked eye) as you walk along the sidewalk each day!? No, you are not eveil!.!.!.but they are still dead!. Is a falcon evil for killing a mouse for dinner!? No!. But is a little boy evil for killing a mouse out of curiousity!? Perhaps!.!.!.but is a man eveil for killing the same mouse!? Maybe! what ws his intent!?

Intent is the key!. If you are familiar with the law of attraction , you would know that what you put out !.!.!.you get back!. If you feel good about giving somebody a sandwhich (which contained a poison you were unaware of)!.!.!.which killed the person!.!.!.I would say you would be "clear" karmically!. The person who recieved the sandwhich attracted his death by ceratin deep rooted fears!.
If you mug somebody, you will recieve the same energy in return back (at a later date!.!.!.why!? because that is the law of attraction at work) but the person who got mugged attracted the mugging to themselves!. They were fearfull of getting mugged or hurt in that way!. They fed this to their subconcious mind continually over time!. Their mom told them be careful of jogging in the park at night "you will get mugged", etc!. etc!. A dog will growl and bark at you if he smells your fear!. He will engage you!.!.he is attracted to you!. If you vibrate another energy such as friendly!.!.!.you get a different response from the dog!. The muggers were bad (because of their intent to hurt and harm!.!.!.the fact that the woman changes things in her life as result does not excuse the mugger from karmic backlash!.


I think it is your intent that makes the action good or evil in the overall veiw however!. The act itself may be bad but for a good reason!.

Is it evil to kill a man if he was trying to kill a room full of children!? You committed a bad act in order to serve the greater good!. Sometimes this is the way it has to happen!. However you should use your best judgment and exhaust all other options first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your good could be my evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no set GOOD or EVIL in the world, we give these names ourselves to things we find moral or immoral, morals also differ from person to person!.
Most morals and laws revolve around the whole everyone is equal so killing torchuring and stealing from others is wrong!.
I believe this is just and fair yet maybe a murderer thinks this is stupid as they are amoral and do not care what they do to others, yes a single act can be good or evil but only in the eyes f those who give it that title!Www@QuestionHome@Com

follow what your heart tells you!.
if you have time Church with your local church!.
common sense will help too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com