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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it always right to be good?

Question: Is it always right to be good!?
which is which!?

you can be right but not good!?
good but not right!?
do they really have to co-exist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question!

You may also add this then: What acts are right, then, would seem to depend on what things (objects, processes, events, states of mind, goals) are good!. We cannot decide what is right or wrong without considering what things are worth having for or striving for!.

In daily conversations the words "right" and "good" are not always used in this clear-cut manner: they are not interchangeably ( it would sound strange to say "a right thing" rather than a good thing) but they are not carefully distinguished either!. In ethics, there is a distinction that have to be observed like in using the word "right" to refer only to actions and "good" to refer whatever is desirable as the aim, end, or goal of actions!.

Let me illustrate the difference between good and right!.

Imagine a race of beings on Mars whose behavior we could examine in detail through powerful telescopes but with whom we had no chance of communications in any way!. We might say that it would be "good" if they were happier than they are; but since according to our hypothesis, there is nothing we can possibly do about it anyway, the question of right and wrong action on our part doesn not arise!.

We might say then it would be "right" to help them if we were able to do so; but since we cannot, there are no actins of ours with regard to them that we can speak of as right or wrong!.

Hope this helps!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not sure!.!.!.i've played the "good" card my entire life and i am no more ahead to day than i was years ago!.!.!.girls seem to like the bad card and those that don't always abide by that seem to do o!.k!. guess i need a bit more excitement eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it requires ardent striving, if being good is difficult and feels unnatural, if goodness is not intrinsic, if you find it a sufferance then you have limited understanding!.!.!.!.

You would not give ear to an immoral degenerate!.

You would not expect a flousie to be good!.

Being Good should be Natural and always Right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

right and good are relative terms - not absolute facts!.
They both depend on time and place!.
Try to be above these two!.
Simple and honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The good and evil that you see don't even exist in reality, at least not outside of the mind that believes in them!. They are only judgments passed by the individual from their own unique perspective!. What one person sees as bad or evil may seem to be the only logical thing to do from some other perspective!. The ideas of both good and evil are point of view specific!. This is why people like bush and bin laden are either loved or hated!. Bush is seen as good by people who share his fear based thought system!. Those who have a compassionate concern for all of mankind often see him as evil!.

Bin laden is much the same!. He is a villain in much of the western world, but he is somewhat of a celebrated pop star on the Middle East!. There are T-shirt shops that sell items with his picture as though he was Jesus!. It all depends on your point of view or perspective!.

To sum it all up good is the name we give to people who do things that we think we like!.

Evil is the name we give to people who do the things that we don’t like!.

This is of course based solely on our particular point of view!.

Love and blessings


Right and good are both moral judgements!.
If you mean correct and good!.!.!.!.oh I just read the question again!.

Yes it is right to be good!.
A respondant noted it was dificult, of course it is!. Being bad or evil is very easy!. Doing the moral, correct or right thing is always more difficult!.
It is without a doubt better to be good, it feels right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear God , to have a good balance - of both right and wrong!.
It not good to be too good or too bad!.

Yea to all your questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No otherwise you cant learn from othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

wrong cannot be good

but sometimes the best is not the suitableWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think Don's thoughts are on the mark, but to carry your question a bit farther, you're asking is it "right to be good!?" and does "right have to co-exist with good!?!."
Good versus bad, or even evil is a comparison of opposites!. As Don pointed out, sometimes the definition of each depends on perspective!. Beyond that, is it "right" to be good!? Again, one can compare opposites: is it wrong to be evil!? If you accept that a person's concept of something is good, then it may follow that doing such is the "right" thing!. However, what if one deduces they must do something "bad," to ultimately achieve something good!? It almost becomes a theory of relativity!. Especially if doing something bad to one person results in something good for another person, what's the sum total!? Good:1, Bad:1= balance!? My take is that "right" does not have to co-exist with good and bad!. If we define "right" as doing something correctly, then certainly it doesn't have to be a part of good or bad!. I think most people have a tendacy though to apply the term "right" as a consequence to having done something good or bad!.!.!.!.


Right, is a question or morals, to do the right things, is usualy the correct and just thing to do, but not nessarly good!.
Good, that of course depends on the situation and person, but I'll give you an eg!., say you stole something from a grocery store, you were hungry, you needed it, now for you this is good, but in general sense stealing is wrong!.
Good, and right hardly ever co-exsist, because we tend to shy away from doing the right thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com