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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the purpose of life? is there a god?

Question: What is the purpose of life!? is there a god!?
I like to think there is and the thought that they may not be depresses me and I believe in after life do you!? xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course there is, just look around!. To think this all happened by accident is like a tornado blowing thru a junkyard and a new car coming out the other side!. Life is a bit of a test, to be the best person you can with Gods help!. I would start by reading your Bible more, thats the best way to get to know and understand your creator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes there is a God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I believe there is!.!. what is the point of life if there is nothin after!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry but i dont belive in eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think there probably is a God but i find it really hard to imagine an afterlife!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indeed there is life after death!. If you haven't had the chance lately to read the Bible, do so!. The New Testament has a wealth of answers concerning life, its meaning and even what life in the here after will be like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i bealive energy never dies so yes i bealive in an afterlife but i think the purpose of life is to add and perfect the world!. In my school something terrible happened to my friends brother and i hope everyone out there knows that i have never found a single person yet who i think is worthless!. Not a street kid, not a druggy, not a thung, not a normal person, everyone matters just know that and live for the purpose of living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No god

its all to do with the big bangWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know HOW many people are going to say "yes, there is a god!. and jesus loves you!." but it's going to get annoying!.

I think the question "is there a god!?" is almost a matter of opinion!. I personally do not believe in the biblical, organized religion god that most people think of, but I do believe that there is something "bigger than us!."

I think the purpose of life is to live!. Just do that!. Question things, have emotions, love people!. That's what I truly believe the meaning of life is!. The idea of suicide - throwing away a whole life full of experiences - is horrible to me!. Things are going to get rough, or monotonous, or whatever else there is - you can't have good all the time, right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the purpose of life is to be lived!. whether there is god -it's up to you to discover and decide to believe or not depending on your imagination!. by the way, if you succeed to love and be loved, to stay happy and make other people happy in your life - it won't be an empty one!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't get why people are depressed when they think there is no God!. I guess they see this big, empty universe and just feel alone in it!.

But take a look at the universe, look at humans, look at the world! Genetically we are connected to almost every species on the planet in some way!. Mineral-wise the same iron in our blood is the same iron found in meteors!. Molecularly, the elements that make up our bodies show signs of having originally come from the heart of a star!.

Just stop and think about that for a second!. By your very existence and the existence of this world you are connect to everyone and everything in it!. You're connected to the sun, the moon, the other planets!.!.!. All of it is a part of you and you a part of it!.

You can think about it as that you are just one piece in a massive universe, how important can you be!?

Or you can think about it in terms of the universe is all the pieces that make up you!.

This is why I don't need faith to feel whole!. I have that wholeness, just by looking at the stars!. I can look into the sky and where theists look up to an abstract concept I look up and see a tangible object!. I see a giant ball of burning gas and know that we have common origin!.

How is that depressing!?! As Neil Degrasse Tyson put it, "We are, quite literally, star dust!."

What I don't get is why people need an after!. Having an after takes away all meaning to the now!. If you get to move on after this what's the point of being here!? To decide your place in the after!? You don't even know how that after works! Put all your meaning into the here and now!. It doesn't matter what happens next!. It'll happen whatever it is, so let it!. Focus on what you have, now what you will have!. If you spend your entire life looking into the future you might wake up one day and realise you missed your past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a purpose to life, though I'm not entirely certain about the existence of God!.

As one friend said when asked why we have air!? "We have air to blow up footballs!" was his reasonable reply!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose of life is to live, let live, enjoy
living and then die!. Mind you that death must
be part of life in order to validate the purpose of life!. If we were immortal, life would lose all purpose!. That's why the Olympian gods envied us, because their lives had no purpose!. So, said Achilles!.

Regarding God, of course there is God!. We
cannot discard God and still think of purpose in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is probably no way of knowing!. and if/when you do find out it'll be too late and nothing will matter anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there is a God!. Its not just that there might be or that there probably is one, I am 100% positive there is an all loving and forgiving God in heaven!. I hope that you think the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there is a GOD!. I also believe that life never dies because it is a gift from GOD!

Life continues forever but not in a bodily fashion!. The LORD is continually refining HIS gift, and at some point in time, HIS gift will be perfected!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"purpose" is defined as the usefulness of one things to another!. The only way "life" could have "purpose" is if there was a god!. Thing is, there isn't (at least none that humans have imagined)!. Humans are used to feeling like they need to have a purpose after thousands of years of civilization, but the fact that "life" has no inherit "purpose" is to be celebrated!. It means we as individuals get to decide what our "purpose" is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the purpose of life varies for each individual!. so you truly can't tell each other the specific meaning, but i think that your purpose is to find out what it is and use it!. second question: yes it would be depressing if there wasn't a god and afterlife, because there would be no purpose to live for!. some people say that god is just a made-up thing to keep people in a happy and ignore reality but i believe that God is real and he is there to help us and guide us through life!. you just have to believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You've received marvellous answers, specially from serendous g, staciarain, bigblue and doug s, so!.!.!. what else is left to say!?
People who need to believe in a God Almighty act as if they lack a father in their personal lives!. Had they lived a childhood of joy, of tenderly moments with daddy telling them a story in bed every night they wouldn't long like an orphan for another one in heaven!.!.!. is this your case!? God can't be a mere shoulder to cry on your sadness!. Intelligent men and women need no childish fancies, they know what Love is like, they have eyes to see!. To see what!? God in Nature!. Why in Nature instead of the afterlife Kingdom!? Because Nature is worth while!. It's a lie you have to disolve physically to enter His Presence: Just keep your eyes open!.!.!. Live this very Day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Out of unlimited possibilities to invent and discover, we came up with electronic games and gadgets! This could be a hint that our creator(s) have created us just like nintendo games but a bit more complicated according to their massive brain size compare to ours!. We're nothing but a transformable type of energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What depresses me is the number of people who seem to feel a need to have some "God" as part of their way of understanding the universe!. Do you seriously believe in this supernatural omniscient creator!? It's nonsense! Are we living in the dark ages, or what!?

It is a self-evident truth that our minds, our memories, our 'souls' exist solely in our brains!. Our brains depend on our bodies to continue functioning!. It's therefore blindingly obvious that when we die, that finishes!. The end!. The rest is silence!. We are dead and gone!. Afterlife!? It's a laughable conceit, there's no such thing!.

I know to some people that sounds bleak!. However the universe, our world, and its life, is so mind-bogglingly detailed and interesting, that if you look for it, you will find wonder and beauty far beyond any of the mumbo-jumbo that religion and spirituality have to offer!. Reality is so rich and fabulous that a million lifetimes wouldn't be enough to explore it!. So why the need to invent some fictional beyond!? What we have is plenty!.

As to the question, "what is the purpose of life", that gives me pause!. In line with my views I should say that there obviously is no purpose!. Our sun, our earth, our lives, our consciousness, they're all just a happy accident!. There is no purpose!. It just is!.

But I admit, as humans, we do seem to be somehow hard-wired to seek out meaning, purpose, destiny if you like!. Is this a manifestation of something inherent in the physical universe that seeks to build complexity, so that it can become self-aware!? Might there be something fundamental built into reality that contradicts entropy!? These ideas fascinate me, and I find them attractive!. So then, how different are these ideas from the daft religiosity that I'm so sure I reject and despise!?

I suppose, when it comes down to it, the unknowable remains unknowable, and the different paths we choose to follow to get closer to enlightenment - science and mysticism - maybe are not so different after all, in so far as they represent a quest to make sense of our place in the universe!. Maybe we're just approaching the same core wisdom from diametrically opposed starting points!.

What seems clear to me is that I feel I get just as much solace and comfort from my belief in the scientific study of the wonders of reality as do the delusion religious nutjobs with their fables and myths!. We're all human at the end of the day!. I just happen to be right, unlike the God people who are obviously wrong! (ha ha ha)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose of life is what each individual decides!. God showing up ends atheism forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com