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Question: Am I a God!?
Today churches preach about Jesus & God but I am wondering if all that is just based on fiction and not fact, so then what does that make us when we die!? My question is do you think that we are the higher power, like gods!? Do we create our own heavens and hells based on our own lifestyles!? For centuries we have been taught and told to believe in the notion that there is a higher power but what if we are the higher power!? Would you ever consider yourself to be a higher power or would you put yourself lower and believe somebody is above you!? What do you think!? Please, serious answers only!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i believe we are all godsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I believe that yes there is a higher power!. I believe we are given choices and depending on the choices or roads we choose in life, that determines the outcome!.

In my opinion it is good to believe in a higher power because it gives us hope!. It gives us something to look forward to and something to help us make better choices!. Dont get me wrong though, I dont believe in being a crazy @$$ religous fenatic!.

I know that I have had some pretty difficult moments in my life where I felt alone!. What got me through it was believing that a higher power would intervene and help!.

Just my 2 centsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe we should all embrace our desire to be godly and ride the spiral of our divinity while still being human!. It is overwhelmingly beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well everyone is entitled to their own opinions and i do believe in a higher power and God is that!.I do not go to church every Sunday BUT I DO PRAY BEFORE BED AND THANK God FOR WHAT LITTLE I HAVE' AS IT COULD BE A LOT WORSE BELIEVE ME !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can not prove or disprove faith!. You either believe it or you don't!. As for a higher power it would be nice if you could have fact with it!. The closest thing I ever found was the gospel of Thomas!. It is one of the oldest christian documents!. It is not in the bible but some great stuff about having a personal relationship with god!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you are a god any one and every one gts to be one so i dont care at least i am not like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that we are not gods the way you are imagining it!. I believe that we are in fact equal to what we call GOD but in essence a part of God!. You should look into studying the Gnostic principles!. The basic concept being that we are all derived from ONE (whatever that may be) and this life (or others) is just the journey back to that ultimate enlightenmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

From a biblical standpoint, this has been the greatest downfall!.!.!. to be like God!. The idea of being like God is the very reason Adam and Eve sinned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would tend to agree with your statements that we are the higher power and that we create our own heavens and hells based upon how we live/exist in the PRESENT--HERE & NOW!. The collective conciousness is what is percieved by many to be "God" and it is not!.!.!.It's simply the collective being that IS humanity!. also consider that we are supposedly created in God's (assuming there is one) image!.!.!.Assuming he/she/it endowed us with that it would stand to reason that he/she/it would also pass along some of the power!. Given that "God" is "PERFECT" it's not likely that he/she/it would ever go so low as to create such imperfect beings!.!.!.HUMANS!. Yes for what we are we're perfect, but the collective conciousness is, was, and always will be the POWER!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really like your question!. People say that they believe in God, that he's some higher force!. Someone to pray to, to thank, to beg for forgiveness!. but what if in reality, we really don't believe in Him!? Maybe he was made up, a concept meant to keep the world in check!. Maybe we only hold on to the idea of a God because we can't explain certain phenomena-like why things go bad in our lives, etc!. We have to believe that someone wants us to be happy, that someone loves us and forgives us for our sins, because humans want solutions to their problems to get us through tough times!. just my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a book written by Robert Collier named Secret of the Ages, He says we create our kingdom of Heaven on earth!. We are all created in God's image!. We should have faith in ourselves to be one with God and to trust our faith!. Ask and believe it and you shall recieve it!. I think you should find the book and read it!. Find your Heaven and your God!. Believe in this book!. It is a very powerful book and carries a lot weight with it!. Only the serious minded will understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could be with in your reality !?Www@QuestionHome@Com