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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's wrong and what right??

Question: What's wrong and what right!?!?
Is what you consider wrong can be right and what is right to you can be wrong!.!.if it's the case how can we know the wrong from the right and the right from the wrong!.!.take ourselves as a reference or people!? or both!?
I'm having the most complicated issues and have to make the most crucial decisions in this period!! and the months to come! and this wrong / right thing is messing up with my tired mind! lol
any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there are lots of complicated philosiphies that discuss this point!.!.!.

but my opinion is that all you must do is weigh the negative and postive consequenses in a logical manner!. In other words ask: "What's the pay off!?!?" and "What's the repruccsions" not only in a personal sense but also in a somewhat moral sense!.

And, basicly, what life choices come down to is that they shape YOUR life!. So it should be somewhat selfish!. You're the one who will have to live with the decision!. So I'd say, go with what suits you and the ones you love best, generally!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong or right, is basically perception, something that may be wrong to 1 person may be right to another, so we take a majority opinion, what most of the world considers "right" and "wrong" and so such things as theft and murder are crimes, and things like alcoholism and abortion are not crimes (even though many people are against them), now if your looking for answers in your personal life, then only you can decide what's wrong and right for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, sorry to hear such angst! Yes, there are many various confusions as to what is correct and what is wrong, what is just and what is bad or good!. For a pirate not able to get the goods when trying to steal is considered a BAD situation!! Many points of views on most every issue, confusion as to what is good for the individual, vs!. a group, vs!. a society!. And for many the need to see if the decision aligns with the will of God!. What is one to do!?!?!?!? If its not a no brain-er, try to study it the best you can, see what other people have done, and then one may consult with others for advice!. But in the end your decision will be your decision!. If your tired, don't be shy to take a rest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are looking for a moral code!. All moral codes derive ultimately from evolution, which applies to societies as well as to species: a society which adheres to a sound moral code will survive preferably to one that does not!. Thus, the proper judgment of an action must lie with how it may reasonably be expected to impact society as a whole!. Murder and theft are inimical to any society, so are properly universally condemned!. Religions claims to be definers or arbiters of morality are bogus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right and wrong has defined along evolution of human beings!. Even after millions of years of evolution there may be anything to define or judge whether it is right or wrong but not everything!. After millions of years of various experiences and deep thoughts these things were defined for the welfare of the human kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say when looking for wrong or right in your personal life you can only judge right by the decision that causes the least harm to others whilst keeping your best interests at heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know but you may desire to not know

in that case, you have only two choices!.!.!.!. face the facts, or ignore them

but whatever you decide, make no excusesWww@QuestionHome@Com

we are living in time has more questions than answers,waht is right and wrong based on knowledge ,increase your knowledge untill a state where it dosn't matter what may happen if you do the rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Right and wrong are principles based on the "cause and effect"!.
Whatever the outcome may be will be based on your perception!. "laws" create a balance in life so that you can become aware of the consequences you may have to face in order to determine what you should or shall not do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is left and what is right!? What is love and what is hate!? What is words and what is silence!. Nothing but words with ides behind them my friend!. And those ideas could be entirely wrong after all they were created by humans :) Funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com