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Position:Home>Philosophy> Cristians believe that the world is only 6,000 years old,, this has been proven

Question: Cristians believe that the world is only 6,000 years old,, this has been proven wrong scientifically,,, what a
just like to know yur thoughtsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i like the way you ask the question but i just want to suggest somebody i know, that answers questions scientifically, biblically and logically!.!.!. if you have time and hope you would take time on this, you will never waste your time!. visit this website www!.esoriano!.wordpress!.com and www!.theoldpath!.com!. be patient enough, critical, investigative, open minded!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Christian and I think that's a load of crap!.!.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the world is slightly older than that!.

Why do Christians believe the world is only 6000 years old!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is more fair to say that many Christian fundamentalists believe in that time frame!. The position is known as Young Earth Creationism!. I have met many educated christians who understand the vast scales of geologic time and the mechanisms of uniformitarianism and evolution, and who find no conflict with these scientific truths and the 'poetic' and 'spiritual' truths found in their scripture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The earth is only six thousand years old!. Dinosaurs were dragons!. Cain and Able did their mom etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a Christian, but I know the Earth is a lot older than that!. I have met Christians that believe that, though!. It's strange!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No thats not true!

AS far as carbon dating well you cant date the earth using it but I am assuming you mean radio metric dating!. Carbon dating only works on thing that where once alive!. it is only good for the most part for a 5000-10,000 year span!. THere are some assumptions one has to make when dating using radio metric dating!. one that the thing you are dating started with the same amount of parent atom is has to show the ratio we see today!. Second none of this parent atom entered in the the supposed millions of years it was there, third that it started with none of the daughter atom that give the date when in comparison to the parent atom, or non of the Daughter atom enterd in during the millions of years it was there!. And last but not least that the rate of decay remained the same for the supposed millions of years it was there!.
All of these things have to be assumed!. None of wich can be proven!. It is not reliable!.

they cant prove it they always have miscalculations!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My dad is a christian (a mormon even) and he actually believes in evolution!. He doesn't understand why science and religion are at odds!. His belief is that God would use science to achieve His aims, not some sort of magic God-power!. He believes that "the world in 7 days" simply represented the 7 different stages of creationsim, because telling people in the biblical days all of that **** about millions and millions of years would have seem crazy to them!.!.!.!. :/Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one knows how old the earth is or the universe!.
What you have is theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The idea is that God can create with age not being a factor!. In other words, God created the world to 'look' older than it really is in the same way God created Adam as a fully adult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Young earth creationist believe the world is only 6,000 years old!. All young earth creationist are Christians but not all Christians are young earth creationist!.

I find it amusing!. People "actually" believe ancient man lived with dinosaurs!. What is the Flintstones or something!? Here's my impression of a young earth creationist!.

"You believe in the scientists lies man!.You gonna believe in dem scientists with dem phd's in popular mechanics and what not!? Or are u gonna believe in the bible!?
Man ain't come from no freaking monkey, everything came from Gawd!
Shoot! Dinosaurs was like cats and dogs to the pre-historic man!. My great, great, great, grand pappy prolly rode on the back of Dino's like we hillbillies ride on the back of horses today!."Www@QuestionHome@Com