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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is the world so screwed up?!?!?!?!?!?! Where is the virtue?!?!?!?

Question: Why is the world so screwed up!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?! Where is the virtue!?!!?!!?!!?
I keep posting all of these question about all of the problems in the world but I still don;t undertand WHY!.




Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the point is only clear from the side of the government and our leaders,
you brain wash our teenagers, we don't argue back,
we grow up, work and do what they need us to, then die!.
it's much easier that way to take over,
do you think if we were half as intellegent as we should be, bush would have had a chance at staying the president so long!?!?
or anyone else, I mean they did kill John Lennon when he started to inspired kids to do the right thing and fight back against all those stupid wars!.
and now what!? ohh right we're supposed to choose from one of those pathetic candidates!.
I don't think we should vote, at there is no point!.
there is a laid out plan and no matter who is elected, they will have to follow it!.
but the teenagers are to blame also, do they bother to pick up a book and read!?!? or to search for knowledge that will help us!? or try to understand something beyond what is shoved on a platter in front their faces!.!. maybe their is more to what we are being served!.

kids look up to celebrities because they are lost,
they can't seem to find themselves after all those influences and gravel in their guts,
they find it easier to copy someone who is "approved" by masses of others,
everyone yerns to be accepted, because that way you don't have to fight for what you believe in when some brainwashed teenager tries to argue or spit at you!.

but that's not the biggest problem, the big one is how far in we've destroyed our planet, and how inhumane our actions to gain power are!.!.

those that think they are doing the right thing, encouraging world peace, they don't know half the problem, they cannot teach the followers what is right and wrong because they do not know themselves,
all they know is that something is wrong!.!.
but recylcing wont help this time!.

also another thing about the news, you can't even watch or trust that!.!.
did you know that one time the big story was about emo kids!?
what the hell!? it's so obvious what they are trying to do!.

girl above me, a great mind, would not claim to be great, knowing that all they have done was think the way everyone can but does'nt, there is nothing special about anyones mind until they can not only answer these questions, but help others understand them also!.
there have been many people who understand, but none have been able to do much about it!.
drastic thoughts call for drastic actions!.

i'm not a very smart person, so don't take in to much of what I say because I am probably wrong,
but i'd rather say whats on my mind than keep it in, because maybe someone will realize what I am saying wrong, and they will learn to take a differnt path of thought!.

but in the long run, theres still time to change the road we're on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Virtue is found in the small things in life!.

Like when you help an old lady from her car!.!.!.

When you smile at an innocent child and wave to them!.!.!.

btw, stop watching tv!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend to ask these questions to yourself, concerning yourself!.!.!.!.

only then will change be possible!.!.!.!.

you're asking these questions because you haven't answered them in and about you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this reminds me of the early 70s, i was a kid, but remember everyone was in a fog!.!.!.then saturday night fever came out, and suddenly everone was alive again!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there is plenty of virtue to be found of in the world, it's just the media makes sure we are absolutely aware of all the awful things that go on also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are not the only one who feels like this!. I don't think its an isolated case either!. It is global!. I beleive that religion, politics, governments, corporate entities to name a few have done everything that they can to secure their futures at the cost of the citizens of the world!. Even all of these "Green" websites put out by corporate America put out all of this propaganda and then at the end of the article they are telling you to "Buy" this new green product and throw out your old product that was all the rage a month ago!. There for polluting the land fills more and thus still giving them financial gain!. There is a blurry line between fantasy and reality these days!. We are not told to simplify and live responsable lifestyles, to become active in our communities!. No, We are scared daily by all the afore mentioned entities to shut-up, go to work, stay in your home so the bad people won't get to you and only leave to consume and to return to your home with your newly purchased items!. Items that will only serve to put you further in debt and make you feel bad about yourself if you do not have that latest version of it!. It is a viscious cycle and it can be broken!. It starts with each person individually!. Start takeing a look at everything that you see witha critical eye and you will see patterns in the news and through out history that forced the masses into the state that we are in now!. All of this did not happen by accident!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems like society is only interested in making money!. They don't give a crap about the well being of others, they just want their money!. They'll do anything to get inside your wallet, even if it means making you feel less, inferior, and vulnerable!. To me, to be a good leader of a country, I think the perfect candidate must be an honest person and truly care about the well being of the citizens rather than just crave power, fame, and money!. Anyway, back to what I was saying about society!. For example, society makes women feel bad about themselves if they're not a 90 lb!. size 0-2!. This is their definition of "beautiful"!. This is what causes some girls to starve themselves!. If women had low self esteem, they'd fall for it and feel bad about themselves if they didn't measure up to these thin models they see in magazines!. If they were confident in themselves, they wouldn't be affected by it at all!. Beauty comes in all colors, shapes and sizes!. Uniqueness is what makes a person truly beautiful!. Don't listen to the lies of society!. Listen to yourselves my dear friend(s)!. We weren't meant to be like anyone else other than ourselves!. Embrace it!. God made us all unique!. You know how they say you must be unattractive if you don't have a lot of sex!? BS! You're even more beautiful if you keep yourself pure 'til marriage!. But that's my opinion!. People who don't know who they are will go along with the crowd!. It's important to know who you are and not give in to peer pressure!. Don't fit in, stand out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's all there, just below the delusions!. Stop clawing the chalkboard and you will hear the kindness in people's voices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great minds think alike!. i think about these too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com