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Position:Home>Philosophy> A ethical/philosophical scenario to think about.?

Question: A ethical/philosophical scenario to think about!.!?
The funniest thing is that this scenario came to me from an episode of Simpsons!.

Scenario begins:

In the year 2062, scientists have deduced that biological homosexuality is caused by a mutation of a gene found in all living things not just the human genome!. From this, scientists have developed the ability to treat this!.

However, the law dictates that any treatment involving alteration of genes or gene behavior can only be allowed for medical reasons and not for cosmetic or personal enhancement!. At the same time, the same treatments are being used to treat social behavior altering diseases such as autism, alcoholism, schizophrenia, and bipolar diseases!. The law however bans physical and mental altercations such as getting faster, smarter or better looking!.

Should this treatment be made available!? However, to hold true to the law in order for the treatment to be made available to those who want it homosexuality would have to be labeled a disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ultimately, you are dealing with the issue of "normality!." But what does that mean!? People get cancer, but we call it a mutation!. Then again, we all look different because of the random combinations of our genes and such!. Why is that considered normal, but a genetic fact (such as colour-blindness) is considered unusual!. It is, in fact, quite usual!. Just like spina bifida, Down's Syndrome, and other genetic "anomalies!." That doesn't mean we shouldn't treat them or find ways to prevent these things necessarily, but these are also not "diseases!." We call them genetic disorders, but then we get back to that issue of "normal!." If Down's Syndrome occurs in the same way as homosexuality (hypothetically, of course), then where do you start considering something a disorder and when is it simply part of a natural product!? Do we think the same thing about eye colour!? How about freckles!? The sex of a baby!?

It is a perilously slippery slope!. I suppose you should consider whether something is harmful to the organism!. If that is the case, then homosexuality (if it were determined to be genetic) is certainly a benign "disorder!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think homosexuality should betreated because it isn't a "diesease" it's natural and we should respect homosexual people not try to alter them whether it's a mutation of not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Naw, I don't believe homosexuality is a disease, so it shouldn't be treated as one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com