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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people belive the Bible to be the word of GOD?

Question: Why do people belive the Bible to be the word of GOD!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because someone told them that it was when they were very young, and that kind of imprinting is very hard to deprogram from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's their religion but personally I'm not a christian!. I'm a Muslim, and I believe the holy Quran is the book of God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is inspire by God through men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people believe the word of the bible because its the only book that dates back to thousands of years ago!. however believing it is does not make it true!. remember that the word was passed down generation to generation and eventually someone had the brains to write it down!. so we do not know the original version of the bible, its like the game telephone!. people changed the words and context around and we have whats left of it!. now it could be what god said!. after all there is truth that he does exist!. ghosts angels appearing!. obviously if demons exist then god does too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they choose to, or were convinced to choose toWww@QuestionHome@Com

Why can't THE BIBLE & THE QORAN both be the WORD OF GOD!? Spoken through different people deamed to be prophets of one GOD!. Both have many of the same principals and beliefs, they only differ in the philosphy of the prophets who wrote them down!.
Interpetation, as you will, is in the eye of the beholder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Bible is full of stories that the writers wanted readers to believe is the word of GOD!. Too many versions means that the Word Of GOD has been interpreted differently by those who wrote the different gospels!. I don't think any of them have it quite right though they are inspirational!. See two different clergymen can read the same passage but give their own interpretations on what it means, since that is possible which one of them is correct in the interpretation!. So the Word Of God is in the eye of the Reader!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The bible is a testament of mankind and his relationship with God, since the beginning of creation to the crucifiction of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to the end of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well speaking as a Jew,

when moses and the hebrews made it out of egypt and camped at Mt!. Sinai they were given the Torah (what you may know as the bible) by G-d!. however it did not come in written word, it was spoken to the Hebrews and up until the late 500's B!.C!.E was an oral tradition but because of the destruction of the 1st temple was then written down!. that is why it is considered the word of G-d!. because it was SPOKEN (hence word of G-d) to the children of Israel!. we don't believe that he came down and wrote it on paper for us!.!.!.we did that part!.

that's the basic reason!.
now if you want to get into the theology of it!.!.!.that's a whole different can of worms that i am more then willing to discuss (i teach this BTW) however i feel your question was more where did the belief come from and not the religious theology behond the "why"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many "holy" books, and they are all imaginary, so the Bible is no better than the Quran, Torah, Book of Mormon, Bhagivadgita, Tao Te Ching, etc!. If the Bible is the word of a god, that god is quite ignorant, for there are bad contradictions and ignorance of reality galore in it!. I had the Bible forced upon me, since I was born, for Mom's father was a Baptist pastor!. My siblings were more vulnerable to brainwashing than I was/am, so they fear to even question the family religion or to try alternatives!. I could see errors in the Bible when I was age 7, and I had the courage to reject it by age 11!. My siblings never did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com