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Position:Home>Philosophy> If fear is the opposite of love, What is love ?

Question: If fear is the opposite of love, What is love !?
If fear is an illusion that we create in our minds , Does that mean that only love is real in the absence of fear !? Can we have love without the knowledge that fear !? Perhaps one of the most simple fears is the loss of love !. Another illusion !? You tell me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't sound that odd to me Rod!.

Most people would not even be awake or aware enough to realize that fear is the opposite of love!. They would argue instead that it is hate the by-product of fear!.

Completely missing the cause for the symptom!.

I would say that we can not really love till we recognize the illusory nature of fear!. Up to that point love is just a pseudonym we use for a somewhat needy grasping that we do to prop up our insecurity's!.

This is in most cases not love at all it is just judgment!. That is we judge the person worthy of love so long as they live up to the judgments that we made about them!. Let them stumble and not keep up their end of the bargain and this so-called love quickly turns to hate!.

Love and blessings DonWww@QuestionHome@Com

the opposite of hate!?

Ehh, love is many things!. I look forward to and at the same time dread the day someone asks me what love is!. I really wouldn't know how to answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Love is not fear when its love!. This of love in its purist form!. Fear is a part of reality!. Let love stand alone is beautiful =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

fear is not the opposite of love hate is but either way its not an illusion - love, hate fear ets are all just chemicals in your brain ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear is not necessarily an illusion!. If someone has a gun to my head and I fear for my life, that is no illusion!. I have a real reason to be fearful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never heard that before but it makes sense!.!.I think that people desire love becasue they fear being alone and misunderstood!. They crave attention from someone(anyone) and they hope that love is the answer to stopping this fear!. I don't know if thats true for me because when im around my loved one i get really nervous and wonder if i'll mes things up or what hes thinking or!.!.!.well i guess i am afraid of losing love lol!.!.!.but its more of the fact that i want to gain his love more and more to chase my fear awayWww@QuestionHome@Com

perfect love knoweth no fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stop watching donnie darko!. well i guess ill just say what donnie says you cant sum everything into 2 catorgorys called love and fear!.

also their are 2 types of love and fear!. the concious like what you are talking about, and the innate the once build in through evolution!.!.!.more of an animalist love and fear!. such as the gazzle was fear the lion and its built in, not a mental condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll break it down and have a go at answering!.!.!.

"If fear is the opposite of love, What is love!?"
--- Fear is not the opposite of love, they are two very distinct emotions, one not depending on the other to exist!.

If fear is an illusion that we create in our minds , Does that mean that only love is real in the absence of fear!?

Can we have love without the knowledge that fear!?
-- Not sure exactally what you're asking, but I think i already answered that!.

Perhaps one of the most simple fears is the loss of love !. Another illusion!?
-- Yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't think fear is the opposite of love!. It may sound nice on books but not in real life!.
You can even have both!. I think there are thousands of types of love (the love you have to your mom, to a sister, to a spouse, to a son, to a friend) we give love and we are lucky when we receive it back!. But I don't think that has something to do with the absence of fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is like a rose with thorn,
Love is like a ship in the sea,
Love is like man with woman,
Love is not in the Lip,
Love is hiding in human heart,
Love is a letter of 4 LOVE

LOVE LIKE AUTUMNWww@QuestionHome@Com

Loss of love, peace of mind, face, family, job, home !.!.!.any loss is fearful!.

Love is an intoxicating peace!. It subdues, inspires, brings peace and enhances mood!. The endorphin like chemicals released from the brain centre of a person in love with life, self world literally enhances mood, positive thinking and mental clarity, purifies and detoxifies internally and cures any ailments or stresses!.

The object of our love is then consigned as mere apparatus to the cause!. This ensures we do not become habitually addicted to one who momentarily inspires and evokes such emotions only to be totally unable to keep the momentum of placatory pacibility!.

Therefore man should be creator of his love!. Manufacturer of his happiness and so on and so forth !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The opposite of love is apathy!. For all others still indicate a caring, even if its negative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love has no oppositeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really sure I truly understand your question Rod!. I mean are you asking what is love, assuming fear is the opposite of love!? Or are you asking is fear the opposite of love, and what is love!?
I wouldn't agree that fear is an illusion; however, because it's a real emotion, just like love, hate, jealousy, etc!. What creates fear is another question!. One person's fear may be another's ecstacy!. I have a friend that find's jumping out of an airplane to be exhilerating, while I'm deathly afraid to do such!
So I don't believe fear is an illusion, but rather a learned or experienced stimuli that peaks the fear emotion!. So, I wouldn't think it would follow that love is real in the absence of fear!. I don't think love has any connection to fear!. I think fear is a carry-over from prehistoric times, i!.e!., fight or flight!.!.!.
If I follow your analogy, love would only exist in the absence of fear!? Or, I only love what I don't fear!? For me, it doesn't seem logical!.
Finally, some may "fear" losing a love, or fear losing love!? Not sure exactly where you were headed here, but surely not everyone fears losing someone's love for them, and I also believe very few fear the potential of losing the ability to love!.!.!.!. (if I follow your comments correctly)!.!.!.!.
In summary, I don't believe fear is an illusion, and don't see where fear necesarily is connected to love!.!.!.!.


I don't think love and fear are opposites!. I think this is a confusion based on the facts that most human emotions stem from either love or fear, or both!.!.!. That doesn't mean they are opposite!.

Fear is not an illusion!. It is a physiological response with a set of psychological interpretations!. That does not make it an illusion!. It is a necessary part of survival and is often very rational and real! If it wasn't for our ancestors being appropriately scared, we wouldn't be here today!

"Does that mean that only love is real in the absence of fear !?"
No, the absence of fear simply means you are fearless!. It doesn't mean you feel love!. Even if they were opposites it doesn't mean that there is nothing in between these emotions!.

Love is not an illusion either!. It again is a set of physiological responses with a psychological interpretation!. Again, very necessary for survival!. If we didn't love our kin we wouldn't protect our genes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear is the murderer of Love, but Indifference is the opposite!. If you hate someone you still care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com