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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your relationship to the world?

Question: What is your relationship to the world!?
There are several options!.

In the world
Alongside the world
Against the world
Of the world

Choose a relation, make up your own, or combine them as you see fit!. And give some idea why you see yourself this way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the world: I always believe that in every move that I make now has a vibrating effect to someone in this world!. It is just like plucking a chord in the other end and feeling the vibration at the other end!. (i!.e!. my medicine can be other's poison, my happiness can be other's sorrow) we are interconnected to all the earthling roaming here so we much be careful with our actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Christians have the 'in this world but not of this world' idea, which I like!.

The wind comes and goes, I remain; I come and go, nothing remains!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "World" is actually just society!. And I stand alongside it!.
The "World" is also referred to as the planet Earth itself!. And we are all of it!.
Sometimes Society goes in very wrong directions!. Then I am against it!.
But, except for hermits hiding in the mountains, we are all in the world!. Both the Earth and Human society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sort of drift with the world, dealing with whatever it throws at me, then after dying, I decompose without a second word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world is as I am!. If I see misery, I am missing the balancing that is going on in the Totality!. I have thereby localized my consciousness rather than be unbounded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That world: Grace!.!.!. none perish (with you all)!.!.!. above
This world: Law!.!.!. all perish (against you all)!.!.!. beneath

John 8:23 beneath vs above
"I am not of this world"!.!.!. above
"ye(do err) are of this world"!.!.!. beneath

That God: Grace: all light, no darkness: 1John 1:5
This God: Law: darkness and not light: Amos 5:18

Christ of J-->C: peace, not divided!.!.!. sitteth above(settled)
Jesus of C-->J: division, not peace!.!.!. standing(un-settled)

To wit, "that God" was "in Christ" reconciling the world unto himself, and by not law imputing sins unto them: 2Cor 5:19

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all!. Amen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com