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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we give medals to people who KILL OTHERS IN WARS?

Question: Why do we give medals to people who KILL OTHERS IN WARS!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do desensytize them into thinking it is morally okay!. I hardly think a medal is going to destroy the terrors haunting those mentally wounded individuals!. If you aren't mentally damaged after taking another's life, If you justify murder with "for the sake of the greater good", If you believe you're fighting so that I have the freedom to think!.!.!.uncle sam wants YOU!Www@QuestionHome@Com

So who should we reward!? Those that ran away or got their whole unit killed!?
War is in ugly affair, but a necessary one!.

If you are not willing to fight for your freedoms then you will lose them to someone who is willing to fight to take them away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People don't get their medals for killing people, people get their medals for bravery in the face of danger, which often includes killing people who are trying to kill them!.

You think you're morally superior to soldiers!?

You can thank soldiers for the freedom to think that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because ideally, when you fight for your country, it has a higher purpose and for the greater good of a nation!. Wars suck, but so do the reasons we start them!. From a warped but often true statement, wars can actually save lives!. If we did not stop Hitler, he would have killed evey last Jew, cripple, or other race other than White on this earth!. If you save a life/lives, by killing an enemy in a war, you are a hero to that nation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On a large scale, a human killing another human deserves no medal, and war itself is a barbaric game, but looking at it in a smaller view, we are forced to protect out land and loved 1s when attacked, and when threatened by another, we have no choice but retaliate, and so the people who best protect us from the others who would surly kill or oppress us, deserve medals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com