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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of this manner of thinking.?

Question: What do you think of this manner of thinking!.!?
As I pondered existance I came to an interesting theory!. We are the masters of our own destiny, this earth is a learning experience and we shape our next lives and the world of the next life through our way of thinking and judging what is acceptable and what is good on this earth!.Basically we are trapped here and we can shape what will be in our next life by meditating on what we want to be next and what will be in our world!. We can spend this life creating our perfect universe for the next time around!. Like writing a never ending story!.We mess up and let evil in this life out of confusion but can make it better next time around by eliminating the concept of checks and balances and believing there does not have to be evil for good to exist, we can create a perfect beautiful existance simply by truly willing it to be and getting enough good karma to allow this to happen!. We are gods!. We put ourselves through suffering to learn and we can end it for all by creating our pefect existanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many such philosophises abound!. No one agree on the same philosophy!. There is the rub!. We quarrel over issues!. What is the ultimate reality, what is going to befall on us, after we leave the face of earth, one never knows for sure!. Till then, we will continue with our quarrels and bickering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are not the masters of our own destiny, we are a collective of others input, our personalities are influenced by parents, teachers, friends, media etc, even our names were given to us by someone else
Evil and goodness are just matters of prospectives, Bin laden is evil to the west but he and his followers claim the opposite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is what happens when a person tries to reconcile faith with reason: the result is mysticism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have an alternative!.

With infinite, there are infinite complications and chaos!.
With one, there is loneliness!.
With nothing, there is nothing to be complained about, nobody to complain and nobody to complain to -- just full of potentials!.

Less is more!.!.!. elegant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are on the right path!.
Same will always only attract same!.
We are indeed the masters of our fate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting !?!.!.!.!.yes, but not your theoryWww@QuestionHome@Com