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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think about those people who holds an impossible dream?

Question: What do you think about those people who holds an impossible dream!?
Do you admire them!? Do you think they are ignorant!? Too cowardly to face the reality, or too brave to give up!?

Picture a little boy who have paralysis and cannot walk(due to some incident), you asked him what he would like to do when he grows up, he says he wants to be a soccer player because he was good at it before the incident!. How would you feel and react to this!? Tell him that he cant!? Or tell him to keep dreaming!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a good thing there are people who don't easily loose hope!. Loosing one's hope is surrending every possible way that may happen!. It is better not to give up than to give up easily!. Never surrender attitude sometimes turns things into reality!. Clinging for hope is a good thing!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They carry more willpower and determination than those who do not dream and achieve at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I respect them!. It takes alot of courage to dream like that and anything is possible!. Maybe that boy will be a soccer player in the special olympics, you never know!. Tell him to keep dreaming because that's all some people have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

keep dreaming !.!. nothing is impossible untill you begin to believe it is impossible !.!. there is always hope behind every dream !.!. that hope may one day make the dream a reality !.!.!. trust me the impossible is possible!.!. i will always believe that to be true no matter how many people attempt to prove me wrong !.!. keep dreaming and working towards your dream because if you dont you will always wonder what if!? !.!. and who wants to question their selves and regret not trying !.!.!. i stick behind my answer !.!.!.!.!.!. just keep believing and dont give up !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people used to dream about going to the moon, MLKJ had a dream that many thought were impossible, many people who had some kind of disease or disability dreamed of a cure and eventually science had found one even if it came after their passing!.

What is impossible now can be possible in the future, as long as people dream it up it can be done,

All the great inventors had a dream!. The next step is actionWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are many stories of paralysis, a broken back, that with faith and endeavour were cured and the befallen rose again!.

Faith moves mountains!. Dreams come true, and some are given more than what they could possibly have dreamt for!.

God is an equal opportunists benefactor, regardless of sinfulness, debauchery or deceitfulness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Impossible dreams are always the best!.

Simply because once you stop dreaming, you start losing hope!. Better to have some hope than none at all!. I don't admire them nor feel pity for them, I would feel happy for them and encourage them to reach for their dreams!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would tell him to follow his dream!. soccer doesnt always involves legs maybe he can play wheel chair soccer or play with prosthetic legs but none the less i would tell him to not give up hopeWww@QuestionHome@Com

impossible dream are impossible except for man of faith!.!.!.!.!. that is their wheel power!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Easy dreams, once fulfilled, are done!. Impossible dreams give us meaning forever!. Just like dreaming about going to a magical place after death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I admire them, like a role model!. =)

Remember how Martian Luther King said "I have a dream!?" Well, exactly, he pretty much accomplished it!.

As for your example, I would just smile and say "maybe," if anything!.

;) Wanna hear something cool!? Last year I had a kitten calander, this year I have a dog calander!. Well, the kitten in your avatar was in my kitten calander! (Hmmmm!.!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If impossible dreams are just escapist in nature they are not desirableWww@QuestionHome@Com