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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is life as grand as it's cracked up to be? All that you see around you is mo

Question: Is life as grand as it's cracked up to be!? All that you see around you is motivated by sex, fear, and hate!.
Prove me wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
nope life sucks!. it always will, unless ur discustingly rich and have no obnoxious, controlling parents!.

ya know, stuff is motivated by love to, tha sounds very hippie, but it s true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have heard the word existinialism!. It is the philosophical beleif that there is no god or destiney and thus what a person 'should do' in life is up to them!. This beleif allows for an infinite number of motives!. You may be motivated to be the fastest runner alive, to be the best guitar player you can be!. The boss, the fictionous woman in my avatar devoted herself to the idea of patriotism!. Sex, fear, and hate are just some of the easier ones to select as your reason for living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life itself is grand, but material life is motivated by just what you see: sex, fear, and hate!. Imagine life without those things!. Now, live it!. You can choose that life for yourself, and not only experience the grandness of life, but set an example that others will follow!. Of course, people will feel terribly sorry for you, because they cannot conceive of life without sex, worry, anxiety, envy, greed, etc!. That just makes it the more easy to smile, and walk on by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

but that is human nature sex fear and hate

who's to say i am motivated by these things!?

Just a bunch of mindless human focusing on sex fear and hatred instead of love peace and joy

sex is love but its one of the stages

sex is the most powerful mind stimuli out there so many people fall under this category

but once they've learned to control and ocnvert the sexual energy they will achieve greatness

it is called sexual permutation

hope this helps manWww@QuestionHome@Com

Life is what you make of it!. If you choose to see only the bad, then of course life will seem crappy!.

The word "rich" is probably a better word than "grand" in the context of the question you're asking!. A rich life implies a life of substance and value!.

Yes, there is a lot of sex, fear, and hate in the world, but there are also love and sincerity too!. Of course, the good is never as deemed as interesting as the bad and decadent, which is why our media (what we see) is obsessed over them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just because all you see is, why does that mean you have to be!? i'm not gonna prove you wrong!. you choose to see things how you like!. reality is determined by the observer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am alive because it is all I have got!. I dont beleive in an afterlife or a God so I have to make do with the life that I make for myself in the here and now!. Something is better then nothing!.

Luckily the lows in my life have been met with highs and so that gives me enough balance and the momentumn and hope to continue on through my life despite the awful grissly stuff in other peoples lives and the world!.

I know I am a good person and I have family who I love and I like enough things in life to keep in it!. There are also things that might not be here right at the moment but the possibliltiy that they are on the horizon makes me want to continue going forward - curiosity maybe!.

I am lucky because I have the capacity to hope which I have because so far things have turned out ok even if there have been bad bits or trialing times something has always restored my hope and drive to live!.

Life is not perfect for anyone but nobody has cracked it up to be anything more or anything less then it is for me so my daily exsistance is not constantly jolted by the things I come across in the world - fear and hate etc!. I am able to know that what time I have on the planet I do more good then harm and I am lucky to be living in a 'free country' where I can step away enough from the world that is motivated by sex, fear and hate and build my own life in a way that is fine and from there I am in a position to challenge what is around me and fight for others rights to have a grander life then they are having at the moment due to the - fear and hate and can I add intolerance and violence around them!.

Life is never cracked up to be anything it is just what it is!. You dont get a description before you arrive on the planet so you knew nothing before your life became what it is!. If all a person sees around them is motivated by sex, fear and hate then I would say they are very unfortunate and need to remove themselves or if they cant then someone not surronded by those things so immediatly needs to assist them!.

There is more to life then terrible things there is much beauty to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Correction!. Your statement after the question is indicating that all I see around Me is motivated by sex, fear and hate!.

That is inaccurate!. You forgot about the parts of my reality that are motivated by the possibility for creating myself as the greatest version of the grandest vision I ever had about myself and my world!. also the parts motivated by my desire to generate integrity in my words (Words aren't cheap!.!.!.we cheapen words!.!.!.by making our 'Word' worthless)!.

There is no reason to continue living!. I do not need a reason!. I am not a slave to reasons and considerations!. I continue to live because I choose to live!.!.!.and for no other reason!. In this choice I am the source of my life, not some silly 'reason' for living that could one day be taken away!.

Your claim that this is not about you was also inaccurate!. It is always about YOU!. Just as my life is always about ME!. The difference is what you declare as You!. WHO I AM is the Possibility of POWER and FREEDOM!.

The question is not why to continue living!.!.!.the only appropriate answer is: "Because I choose to!."
The question worth asking is: "What reason or consideration is manipulating me to consider giving up on Life!.!.!.and do I choose to be at the effect of those reasons or do I choose to take control of my life and start being the Cause of my life!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com