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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you perceive/define youeself in a philosophical sense?

Question: How do you perceive/define youeself in a philosophical sense!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pragmatically!. Humans are hard-wired to be story-tellers!. We construct stories about ourself, and keep only those that produce the least cognitive dissonance with our system of beliefs, whether those stories are true or not!. As a species, we are singularly capable of deluding ourselves, of ignoring clear and evident truths if we find them inconvenient, and of retroactively editing our memories to fit the stories that we construct!.

With that strong caveat in mind, our perceptions and our defintions of ourselves are defined by the stories we tell about ourselves to other people!. Whether they are true or not!. For most people, those stories define, not who we are, but who we would like to be!.

Personally, I strive to make the stories that I tell myself the same as the stories I tell other people!. I belive that a discepency between the story that I tell myself and the story that I tell others is a clear indication that I've done something imorral!.

Why do that!? Because it reduces cognitive dissonance, and reducing cognitive dissonance invariably makes you feel better!. That's how we're built!.

Consider it a variation on Plato's concept of living an examined life!. Plato's advice: do what makes you happiest, with the strong caveat that it's not at all obvious what will make you happiest in the long run!. So the only sensible thing to do is to the smartest decisions you can to maximize your happiness in the long term!. And that, in turn, requires self-examination!.

Mine is an imperfect system!. It succeeds to the extent that cognitive consonance and happiness are the same!. I think they are almost the same thing!. And I do believe it's results in a very reasonable approximation of living an examined life!. And it's the best I can do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a series of experiences with a conscious ability to refelect on on that series of experiences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I am honest to the point of hurting myself sometimes with that honesty!.
I try not to be too critical of others because that will blind my judgement of them!.
Overall, I would think of myself as a reasonable good person!. Maybe I am being a bit biased!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a run of the mill human that tried for many years to stand out in a crowd!.

Or to be more fancy worded!. I'm an egomaniac with low self esteem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am!.

We all go through life, time to experience things within various time frames!. These experiences offer us opportunity to learn and hopefully grow in preparation for the next time, the next experience!.!.!.

I use all of my known senses to learn and walk about this thing we call life in a constant search to not only learn and grow (mature) but to share what I have learned to others so they do not make the same mistakes and allow history to repeat itself!.!.!.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I think, therefore I am!."
- Rene Descartes (mathematician)

Which basically means: if it is possible for me to wonder about whether i exist or not, then i do exist!. Very logical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am!.Www@QuestionHome@Com