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Position:Home>Philosophy> I generally appear happy to my friends and why wouldn't i be ,but i really d

Question: I generally appear happy to my friends and why wouldn't i be ,but i really don't know i have lost several!.!.!.!.
friends and yeah its difficult for me ,but it doesn't phase me i feel numb i find myself avoiding new relationships i just find the game dull -you know what i am talking the whole "you can trust me" game and then the big hit of it lets rip out your heart one piece at a time and twist your words to make you seem like the bad guy and then everyone hates youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just enjoy and relax yourself for sometimes before you do anything!. Do some thing that really interests you!.(reading books, playing games,meditating, yoga)!. Don't let others to spoil your day!. Be careful in helping others and when it happens to trust others coz everyone doesn't seem to be the way they show in outside!. Take time to understand them before you do anything with them or say anything to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yep!. sucks, doesn't it!? not to sound corny, but what i'm currently doing is sticking it out until i find some real friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know what your question is, but i am writing to say I FEEL YA'!!! That is exactly how I feel/act!. Nice to know I am not alone!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!.!.!.There is so much love we have willing to share it only to get our energy, time and maybe even money taken, taken, for granted!.!.!.

And if one gives too much, there is not enough left for self!.!.!.

The games seem to start at the beginning!. Who I am, what I do blah, blah, blah!. Everyone wants to be accepted and loved but they suppress any negatives they have with that protective barrier!. It stays intact until parties "feel" secure and then lower it!.!.!.and that's when we see the real person for who they are!.!.!.It takes time for those barriers to erode or be let down but the funny part is, ain't both sides lying or hiding their true self with the protective walls up!?

How can one trust when both are being dishonest!?!?!?

I am giving it up in prayer and growing in a different direction!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Friends" are not an either / or proposition!. You must have layers of friends!. Some who are close!.!.!.very close!. And still others who are more removed from your inner circle!. The key thing is to understand how to interact with them based upon how close they are and how much you can trust them!. You can't open up completely to people just because you have a feeling about them after knowing them for a little while!.

The status of your friends within the layering you assign to them entitles them to a certain level of trust!. You must work on knowing the appropriate level for the particular "friend!."Www@QuestionHome@Com