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Question: How can you love yourself and still!.!.!.!?
how can you love yourself and still put others before yourself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Hmm good question!. I think first of all, that to show love for others and to serve them, you have to love and put yourself first!. I know as a mother that if I don't take care of myself first (for me that's taking care of myself physically, and taking time for myself to do the things that I enjoy), I fall apart!. When I constantly put my needs at the end of my to-do list rather than at the top, I feel frazzled, tense and resentful!. Those feelings don't make for good mothering!. A relaxed mommy is a good mommy!. So I guess my point is that if you truly want to look out for the needs of others, you absolutely have to take care of your own needs!. I'm not saying that you should always only do what is in your own best interests!. Often to be a decent human being you need to put the needs of others first!. For example, when you have a newborn who's hungry, you're not going to wait until your pedicure is finished to feed him!. But stopping to take care of his needs in a way is taking care of your own need to feel good about yourself by knowing that you are a good and nurturing mother!. Plus, when you do thing for others when you'd rather be doing something for yourself, you know it is only something temporary as long as you can learn to balance it out!. If, for example your significant other really wants to see a movie you know you'd hate, go ahead and see it, but insist that the next time you go out it's your turn to pick the movie!. So I think it's all about balancing your needs with the needs of others!. Just don't put yourself at the end of your list of people who need pleasing, because in the end it doesn't help anybody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because you love yourself enough to know that there is enough room in your heart for others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just bcuz u love urslef doesnt mean u cant love others more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jesus said "as yourself" not "before", but I think you can love yourself by redefining the word "love"!. Jesus actually wants us to love those who do NOT deserve our love!. That's His definition of love!. We humans feel it hard to obey His words!. That's normal!. Don't push yourself too hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

loveing yourself is not the most important thing!. being happy, confident, comfortable in your skin!? yes!. but being hung up on "how much i love me" is a waste!. loveing others first is fulfilling and worth while!. it makes the world a better place!. unselfishness and love is part of putting others first!. if u do you'll find that you can love who you are!.!.!.not just loving the idea of "wow im awesome!." gag!. that's a sad waste of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you have to love and respect yourself enough to understand that Hey, i'm number one in my life, but now that i know that it doesn't matter!. it's like knowing a main character in a book; if they're the only ones there, its no good!.

loving yourself is important; but once you love yourself it will become so monotonous that other people will be the ones to make your life worthwhile!. and since you love yourself, you don't want the other people to be gone!. therefore, they are your number one priority (even if they aren't number one in your life)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before you love others first you must be able to love yourself!. Then only you can understand how much others need love too!. To receive love, first you have to give it to the others!.So you have to put others before yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Love of Christ thats the only way i know how

just to point this out this doesn't mean let everyone run over youWww@QuestionHome@Com

because you're awesome like that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is the beauty of free will and choice!.

To love yourself means doing good things like respecting your body and not abusing it!. Respecting mother Earth and sister sky for they provide us nourishment and live in a symbiotic way!.!.!.

And respecting others too!. I try not to seek happiness at another expense as it is an illusion of control and happiness!.!.!.!.In other words I avoid gossip and I do not make fun of someone just because they are different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com