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Position:Home>Philosophy> Im a business major and alot of my peers are superstitious. Is KHARMA real?????

Question: Im a business major and alot of my peers are superstitious!. Is KHARMA real!?!?!?!?!?
i am a man of science and i think of kharma as something that controls peoples attitudes towards life and provides a conscience!.

how in such an instensily vast world with so much random cause in effect does negative actions come back to people except through their conscience!?!?!?!?!?!?

any thoughts on kharma and whether its true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no empirical reason to believe in karma!. As you suggested, the closest thing to karma that exists in the real world is the conscience, which some people lack!.

The idea that our current circumstances somehow result from our deeds in previous lives is quite untestable, and therefore unworthy of belief!.

The idea that there is a force that insures that everyone ultimately gets what they deserve is patently absurd!. Little children don't deserve to die from starvation and disease, but they do by the millions!. In this same world, Stalin, Idi Amin, and countless armies of lesser murderers, robbers, and slavers have lived to ripe old ages and died in peace!.

The only justice humanity has is the justice humanity makes through our criminal justice systems and our international treaties and peacekeeping efforts!.

As for your business school peers: it's small wonder that they are superstitious!. Business can be a stressful and uncertain line of work, and stress and uncertainty breed superstition!. Think of all the tough guys and tough gals out there, in the police, the military, and even in sports, who carry lucky coins and other charms!.

Hope this helps!.


yeah karma is real!. what it really is the fact that whatever we do effects others and like the little waves in your coffee cup they eventually come back to where they started!. and that is karma!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really depend on how you look at it http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=_b1GKGWJb!.!.!.

Watch the video and decide for yourself!.

I believe in doing good to all mankind!. Not so much out of fear of bad karma but I believe that good begets good!.

All the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like to think so!. I hope the idiot who hit my car when showing off gets something to happen to his prized possession!. you know what I realized tho!? Bad things happen to everyone!.!. Kharma is just not something real!. I can kick a puppy and get cancer does that mean my cancer was caused because I kicked a puppy!? no stuff happens whether you are the nicest person inthe world or not!. Deal with it and move on!. Something bad will happen to the idiot who hit my car because something bad happens to everyone and when it does I won't say oh he finally got his kharma!. I will say stuff happens!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - it's one of the dumbest ideas guilty people came up with!. It states that you did something bad in past lives and that's why you suffer in this life!. Well - bullsh*t!. So the people who believe this go around in some hopeless fog - they can't change what they did in another life!.

It's as dumb as original sin which is another guilty-guy chestnut that gets passed out to catholics!.

And of course there is zero proof for it just like any religious nonsense that's shoved at your as the Absolute Truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In general the Spiritual Law of Causality is real!.

Christian : The Law of Sowing and Reaping
Buddhist & Hindu : Karma

The different is in the execution of the Law and interpretations !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well all I can say is that if you think pessimistically all the time then you will probably engage in detrimental activities just to prove you are justified in being pessimistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is hard to discern actually where and where not the effects manifest in such a complicated reality such as the one individual social beings must exist in!. There are the effects of nature and amongst all that, are us, particularly stimulated so that we also stimulate reality and not always favorable to ourselves or others!. Each and every action results in another action!. Each action is Dharma and the other action is Karma!. When we say that it is our Karma catching up with us we mean just exactly that and more because not only are we responsible for our own actions that come back on us we are also responsible for the actions that come back on us or meet us and involve us so that we must make a determination as to how or not how to cooperate with that particular reality!.
Now the part where it will catch up with you in another life I cant verify and wont dignify the argument with my opinion!. Because on that level that is all that it would be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com