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Position:Home>Philosophy> Here's my thoughts about the creation of the universe... please lend your th

Question: Here's my thoughts about the creation of the universe!.!.!. please lend your theories or criticize mine!!?
Ok so i'm agnostic so the whole "god went click" thing doesn't work for me!. I believe the big bang actually happened as all the galaxies are moving away from a focal point!. I think that it is possible everything in the universe started from a single point, a super-compressed ball if you will!. The ball came from nowhere!. It has always been here!. The creation of a universe would obviously require a massive amount of energy!. Newton's laws state energy cannot be created or destroyed!. That means it had to always be here!. Space is infinite since it is!.!.!. well!.!.!. space, meaning nothing!. There is nothing beyond space except more space!. I really have no clue how life could start!. Now obviously there are many flaws with this thinking, please lend your ideas or criticize mine!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Well friend that is all scientific theory right there which is fine with me, I really don't have anything to elaborate on the scientific part of that seeing as how I'm not a scientist!. But,there is one thing I thought you should maybe throw around in your head though!. You said you believed everything came from a super compressed ball of matter and that ball had always existed, I don't dispute that or approve of it im neutral there!. But, if you look to the world around you you notice that everything runs in cycles ex!. seasons, birth, growth, death, new birth, rising of nations, falling of nations, your mood, my mood, just about everything!. Even when we look to the heavens we see this cyclical nature of things within supernovas and the re birthing of stars!. So instead of thinking of existence coming from one definite point in time try a more Buddhist ideology (not the religion but just the philosophy on cycles) were everything is in a permanent cycle!. The universe could be destroyed just to be reborn again and so on!. If you think of it that way there is really no definitive point of existence, just rebirth, death and life!. Even the mayans who some say have an even more accurate astrological calendar than we do believe in this cycle of existence!. So what im trying to get at is that there is maybe some solid reasoning to believe the universe runs in cycles, based on how pretty much everything around us works!. Sorry if I rambled on a bit and if this really got you nowhere but I thought you might be able to add that to your philosophy or create a new one from this!. Have a great day man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So what else is new!. That's all scientific knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the universe is a very confusing thing and i don't think i really believe that god just made everything appear!. if space is infinite it will never end!. like how much is out there!. i believe that there are other life forms!. how could only earth hold living things!. if there is soooooo much more out there then there must be some other life somewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mostly science, but any conjecture about pre-big bang existence is a matter of faith (not religious faith, necessarily, but a belief held in something beyond the realm of proof)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok but what started the big bang!? what was the catalyst for that reaction!? God is nature and science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the universe IS energy!. there is no space beyond the universe!. the universe IS space and it IS time!. at the big bang there was no time or space!. so you don't need to say it has always been there!. because before the big bang went bang there was no time for there to be a before!. though, there could have been a "before" whence there was time and universe that potentially collapsed into the source of the big bang!. you could say that this could cause a bouncing apart again, like throwing a ball in the air it will first stop for a split second and then fall again!. (so for a "split" second there would be no time, but that split second is also infinitely long, it is timeless) space is not infinite since the universe is not!. neither is time, it began and one way or another it will end!.

it's not as simple as galaxies moving away from a focal point!. since the space they're in was part of that focal point!. it's like if you have a bunch of raisins in dough, you smush up into a ball and then stretch it out, the dough being space and the raisins being galaxies as the dough stretches the galaxies spread appart!. so it's not just the galaxies moving appart it's space strectching and thinning out and the galaxies are part of that!. (though during this :"stretching out" the galaxies were formed, they weren't always there like the raisins in the dough, as you said you can't make or destroy energy, everything is energy E=MC^2 is the proportion at which matter is energy {energy=mass x the speed of light squared} so the raisins are necessarily made of dough and vice versa just as everything in the universe you can imagine is!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, where did the piont in space or the compressed ball come from!?
Let there be light, big bang!.!.!.samethingWww@QuestionHome@Com

This question is why I have such a hard time with religion and why I am agnostic!. If I could figure this out then I could handle everything else in the Bible and I would be Christian!

My understanding of the "big bang theory" is that a singularity (which are said to be in the very center of black holes) appeared in one of these black holes and slowly expanded (as it expands it cools off)!. I do not understand that! If nothing exists then black holes do not exist, temperature does not exist, gravity does not exist, and neither does energy! I cannot make any of this "creation of the universe" theories work out!. So maybe God made us!. My question to that is: who made God!? He did not just appear, and neither did this singularity!.
I am sorry, I did not answer your question at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have proven that matter is destroyed during a little bit when changes such as chemical: occur!.

Second Even if there was a Big Bang !.!.!. the fact that things are, were, and always will be is the same thing people say about God!.

Third !.!.!. life is the universe on a smaller scale !.!.!. it is simply conscious and unconscious !.!.!. light and dark !.!.!. moving energy !.!.!. or God if you will!. All things are all things on a greater and smaller scale simultaneously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it takes a little away from any theory if you start with a disclaimer of religions
when you are trying to speak of pure science!.!.I enjoy the physics of creation, but for pure enjoyment I love the old explanations from mythology!.!.I respect your thoughts I respect the old Pagan ones alsoWww@QuestionHome@Com