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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes you SMILE :) ?!?

Question:You do........


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You do........


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having fun with and talking to close friends :) i'm smiling just thinking about it! :)))

What makes me smile is when i am with my family, friends, or pets. Or even sunshine can put a smile on my face.

when people tell me they love me and when i get compliments!

or if i hear a funny joke or remark haha

pick me as best answer? rock! <3

Sometimes I smile and laugh over these questions! Sometimes there is a very silly and funny question! It makes me laugh!

what makes me smile is when people cmpliment me on my work, i cant belive i did that, another thing that makes me smile is when i see others happy and enjoying thiere time of life

its a habbit, I look foward for the first smile I get from a girl everyday.

My daughters - they are priceless!

Hanging around my friends and family!~!

my dog, my husband's attempt at humour, when a customer comes back and thanks me for my help, my mother's need for me to read the ingredients in anything because she can't, when I see repeats of Seinfeld, driving in my little Mazda surrounded by SUV's, and people who ask nice questions.

Your avatar name...

Very nice...

(Now let's make wild, passionate love together...

...just kidding...just thought I'd try to get a little "smile" out of you, as well...(smiles))

My dogs silly obsession with pushing a brick around the yard with his nose
My goofy friends
Watching a couple that is truly in love


I keep smiling most of the time.

It is weird thoughs most of the time. I share these thoughts with my close friends, when they ask me about smiling for no good apparent reason.

Keep Smiling- it's good for health

....always smile :)

My family.

The simple things in life.

When I see my unborn child through the ultrasound screen :)

A dog a on his back paws in the air
Waiting for you to rub his tummy
A summer dawn with a hint of mist
The promise that it will be sunny
The smile of a child
That can break the heart
Music touching or wild
But what makes me smile the most
Is a breakfast of honey and toast.


whenever i see a baby i smile and start talking jibrish!!

to see others smile.........