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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you everything you ever want to be right now or do you want more in life?

Question:I have so much more I want but it's not material things. I want to be the best grandma to my only granddaughter so she can become everything she wants to be.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have so much more I want but it's not material things. I want to be the best grandma to my only granddaughter so she can become everything she wants to be.

I am happy with my life but I feel I have a lot more goals I need to accomplish and things I need to experience.

I am happy with my present, but I am trying to get more and more.

I am what I am, and can be on more

id like more...more days in the sunshine on picnics with my nephew and niece,my sisters kids,...i want my brothers wife to have a healthy baby as their first died after 5 days...i want this BS im in to be over ,so i can get back to reality.. on a simpler scale id like that space cadet in the other group to stop ******* singing...hes brutal..those guys just like to annoy us as we are better than them ...bye.

I consider myself a work in progress. I think a person should never be too content because he will atrophy. However I do recognize that happiness comes from inside.

always room for improvement and more experiences

I am definitely not a third of what I wish I had/been/accomplished.

I just joined the silver sneakers club. I like sitting in the hot tub and the swimming pool.

just a little bit more

I want more, much more.

I am content to be where I am.
I don't get a lot of good things happen, but I don't get a lot of bad things either.
I feel happy with the good things, a bargain when buying the groceries or a meal that turns out "Just right"
I don't dwell on the short-comings or misfortunes.

I have a few things I would like to change. Down sizing is one of them spent 49 years gathering now giving away things to my kids that I dont want or need. I'm happy with the way my life is going and I want to simply the rest.

If i had completed everything, then i wouldn't have a new goal when I had finished one, so I would like more in life, especially more excitement.

We wanted it all, just like Bogie and Becall, but we had to choose, so we chose!!!


I want more in life...I believe I can be better and do better...and am working towards that...

I would like to be more and have more.