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Position:Home>Philosophy> You think the further we get away from the natural world and nature the more we

Question:Nature creates the diseases we know. Man manipulates and toys with nature and super disease come about that should of an would have never existed in the natural world. For example, you knocked out POLIO, yet by immunizing you have created all this heart disease or breast cancer.. For every action their is neg reaction. You don't want to walk everyday - so as a result you pollute the planet and end with diabetes and health problems.. Comments?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Nature creates the diseases we know. Man manipulates and toys with nature and super disease come about that should of an would have never existed in the natural world. For example, you knocked out POLIO, yet by immunizing you have created all this heart disease or breast cancer.. For every action their is neg reaction. You don't want to walk everyday - so as a result you pollute the planet and end with diabetes and health problems.. Comments?

It is a great responsibility to step out and become self-dependent. And of course we only have to do it for all of eternity.

Your assertion that by "Knocking out polio" we have created heart disease and breast cancer, is ludicrous, unfounded and false. You could very easily have made your point without resulting to lying. Next time try REAL research before spouting falsehoods.

that's right !
but the source of the problem is getting further away from OUR human nature.
When you stop considering you got two legs for walking and take cabs, that's when you screw yourself.

I support your initial statement - but not the rest. Heart disease and cancer have always existed alongside polio. There's definitely an effect resulting from every cause but look more to lifestyles, pollution, and genetics. Besides, everything that lives - dies; we're not supposed to live forever. It's nature's way of taking an action we're unable to.

In some ways, progress progresses us. In other ways, it regresses us. In countries where we are blessed and lucky and wealthy enough that we have food and access to health care and shelter, our quality of life is incredible compared to what it used to be. On the flip-side, we have over-crowding, pollution, terrorism, identity-theft, and the occasional super-germ (ok, so maybe we made TB a bit worse than it had to be, but it's much rarer than it was--you see? Trade off!)

So are technological advancements good or bad? Neither. They are what we use them for. That's why the good today is so good and the bad today is so bad--human nature and the ways of the world have not changed, but modern advancements act as an enhancer and a catalyst. If we can learn from our mistakes and set our priorities in order, great things may come of it. Until then, I'll be in my bomb shelter with my gas mask and 2 years' supply of canned goods...KIDDING!

I still hedge my bets on humanity's good side.

Depends on the size and nature of the screw.

I live in the mountains and still chop wood and carry water from a mountain spring.
For me living in the mountains brings me great peace and happiness.
There is nothing like going outside and hearing the birds sing and the frogs and crickets.
When I come to town it is not as relaxing and I seem to have more pain from not working physically. Like kinda use it or lose it.
If I choose to live in town I would spend all my time working a job and would have little time left for relaxing and answering questions like this.