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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you prove to me that facebook is not a CIA ran internet application?

Question:I keep bumping into this on the net, i know its an old subject now but surely it is still relevant in light of what we know about what the American agenda is really about now. Just curious and willing to be swayed in either direction. What puzzles me though is that there is a similar question on here and it seemingly got 'solved' with quite juvenile answers... who decides if something is 'answered' or not with a question like this?!! Speak up intelligent people and educate me!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I keep bumping into this on the net, i know its an old subject now but surely it is still relevant in light of what we know about what the American agenda is really about now. Just curious and willing to be swayed in either direction. What puzzles me though is that there is a similar question on here and it seemingly got 'solved' with quite juvenile answers... who decides if something is 'answered' or not with a question like this?!! Speak up intelligent people and educate me!!

It would be truly difficult to prove that the CIA was truly involved with the conception of Facebook, or if they are even currently using it to gain intelligence on possible threats to national security... If you believe the movies, then they can gain access into most any systems, and find out the information that they want without having a direct hand in the proverbial cookie jar...

However, there are some facts that you might be interested in when it comes to information on social networks. Social network content is currently being used by District Attorneys all over the country to prove "personality and behavior patterns" as evidence against people accused of crimes. Yes, having a person say "I'm going to kill", or "I want to kill" would be direct evidence against a person if they said it in their social network usage or profile content... prior to committing a murder. However, now they are using the profile layout, content, and tone behind a user's entries as evidence towards behavioral patterns which could show a tendency to lean towards committing the crime that they are being accused of.

As for the CIA, I would say that it would be a lie to say that they haven't gotten access to Facebook to obtain information upon possible threats to national security, with or without the consent of Facebook, or any other internet resource for that matter, nor would I hold it against them. As a former member of the military, seeing what I've seen of the world and what terrorists are willing do use in order to commit the heinous atrocities that they have already shown that they are willing to commit, I want them to use any and all resources in order to catch these ba$%@*ds before they do it again...

However, I do not believe that the CIA would have any direct hand in the development and design of any internet social network in order to obtain this information... It is far too obvious and direct of a ploy to expect it to stay quiet and for the public not to figure it out. The CIA's middle letter is "intelligence", and it would not be very intelligent for them to stick out their hand for someone to publicly slap it. All credit goes directly to Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook... and the rest of his team which made the tweaks and improvements which made it what it is today. The whole CIA story, is simply a collection of coincidental facts, and far stretches, in order to tie them together in a pretty little "conspiracy theory" package... that's all. Although, I was quite entertained when I was watched that same little "video documentary" that the young lady put together... =)

Do a little research on social network content being used as evidence... and see just how much information shows up in your browser! I put a single article below to give you a taste of true facts behind social network content and their current and documented use by the Justice Department...

It's not run by the government because it works.

Think about it - when you go to the DMV or post office or any other government-run situation, you get long lines and inefficiency because government-run things don't encourage innovation or ease of use for customers.

Facebook is all about efficiency and pleasing the customers.

I don't know what facebook is, but, like you said, with the way our privacy has been thrown out the window under scurious and ridiculous justifications, you can bet that some intel agency is making profiles on us.

like most people with conspiracy theories, you require people to prove your thesis :)
otherwise, it must be true. (get a logic book)

I always assume that ANY communication device is NOT secure. Whether it's the CIA (doubtful), some other government agency, or a private individual...there is no doubt that we live in a world where privacy is sacrificed for convenience.

As for PROVING that Facebook isn't run by the C.I.A., well...that's a tall order. It's usually much easier (and more useful) to prove that something IS, rather than IS NOT. For example, I can't prove that green dragons DON'T live on Pluto...but I don't believe that they do...

No, I can't, but it's awfully hard to prove a negative. On a similar note, you can't prove to us that Facebook IS a CIA-run thing.

I know there's more monitoring of people nowadays, especially with things like the Patriot Act, but I utterly doubt we're in a "1984" / Big Brother-type society where everyone's monitored. In the U.S., usually the only ones who are monitored are those who are under suspicion or the like.

Besides, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's creator, is well-known enough that you can find plenty of info to substantiate his history as founder.

This is why I don't like conspiracy theorists. All they do is make people paranoid and fearful. The government is far less than perfect, but I don't think the average American has to worry about Big Brother.

It is very difficult to prove the negative. It's like trying to prove that there is no god. The chance always exists that something will pop up.

You could look for evidence that FB is not CIA run but there will always be a chance that some secret part of the CIA started it/oversees it/regulates it.

All philosophy and evidence just seems like FB is a popular networking site that is probably monitored by the CIA (like any other medium of communication). Not quite as interesting as a conspiracy but the most likely answer.

Each question on answers has a certain amount of time to stay active. At the end of that time, the asker can say which one is best or, if the asker does not say, the one with the most votes becomes the best answer. It's not really "solved." It just means the question and answer period is over.

Nope, but be careful, because if you CAN prove that facebook is a CIA run app then well have to kill you and toss your file in that hidden compartment with 911, Illuminati , and the Cocaine trade to fund the Nicaraguan contras.

-The CIA

For some reason I think more of the FBI in relation to Facebook. But why invest all the money creating and running something when others do it for them?

I'm sure that social networking sites and facebook in particular are boons for information gathering entities everywhere, and will be more so in the years to come if they break into more segments of society. All Uncle Sam needs to do is create profiles, groups, applications, and sit back and watch the information deliver itself to them.


You cannot prove a negative.

You cannot prove to me that you are not a KGB operative who is planting subversive ideals amongst the enemy capitalistic populace. Or you cannot prove that you're not an employee of MySpace attempting to prevent competition. Just as I can not prove that I am not a member of the CIA promoting pro-Facebook propaganda.

You cannot prove that Yahoo! Answers is not a CIA-funded application whose goal is to assemble universal knowledge and to create a database of the questions and beliefs of every individual through the questions they ask and the answers they provide.

To answer your true concern, I personally have faith in my more "paranoid" colleges amongst the other internet geeks who do all of their IP address research. There are (several, actually) large, open-source programs and databases with many people who invest significant amounts of time researching and identifying what IP addresses belong to whom. A good example of this is the "Peer Guardian," which uses this information to block connections from known groups or organizations who fight illegal P2P file sharing on networks like Gnuttella (i.e., Limewire) and Bittorrent.

If their *was* a traceable link between Facebook and the CIA it would have been discovered by now. And if you still have your doubts? Well, don't join Facebook. I, myself, will remain unconcerned until the day Facebook becomes mandatory. And even then.... I'd be more concerned about the information that Google/Microsoft/Yahoo! are gathering before I'd worry about the CIA.

This level of proof requires a near-Omniscient level of knowing, hence, most difficult.

You might appreciate, if you haven't already, the following, as more evidential:

"The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," Daniel Estulin; (click on "English" button).
"Hope of the Wicked," Ted Flynn;
"Rule by Secrecy," Jim Marrs;
"Above Black," Dan Sherman,
"Red Cocaine" and "Betrayed," Dr. Joseph Douglass;
"New Lies for Old," A. Golitsyn; and (click on "Affliates" button for local station and times);
and, more speculative,
"The Soulless One," Mark Prophet, and
"Casebook on Alternative Three," Jim Keith.

you know, I would not be surprised if it was ran by CIA. It would actually be a wonderful way to catch criminals, child molesters, terrorists and others like that. Problem is, there are too many kids who make up stuff, bet the CIA is having a blast trying to figure out what is a real threat and what is just BS from a smart-*** kid.