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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your most important MISSION IN LIFE?

Question:To find true love, to be happy, to read as many books as possible, and to graduate from college.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To find true love, to be happy, to read as many books as possible, and to graduate from college.

To serve as light unto the nations, to open the eyes of the "blind," and bring up from the dungeon those who live in the darkness.

To be an good example for my family and children

I try to remain an open and willing vessel to Gods will.
I want Him to be able to use me to help people and be in the right place at the right time to make a difference.

To be a good role model to my children.

To be financially stable

To find a good woman to marry one day.
I want that more than anything!

To try and help people

i have lost my mission two years ago, now i'm just flowing +seeing+ observing life .

In the first place make my own family happy and then allow that happiness to spillover to others around me.